This is a review of a split album between Texas's Plutonian Shore and Indiana's A Transylvanian Funeral a band that has been featured before in this zine and the recording is called "Alchemical Manifestations" which was released by Forbidden Records and we will start off the review with Plutonian Shore a band that plays an atmospheric form of occult black metal.
Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with some blast beats being utilized at times, while the keyboards bring a very dark and atmospheric sound to the music, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars.
Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast atmospheric black metal riffs that are very dark, raw and primitive sounding at times with a good amount of melody being thrown into the riffing, while the lead guitars when they are utilized are very melodic sounding guitar solos and leads.
Vocals are mostly grim sounding and high pitched black metal screams with some deeper vocals being utilized at times, while the lyrics cover dark and occult themes, as for the production it has a very heavy, raw and primitive sound to it with a couple of songs being recorded live.
In my opinion Plutonian Shore are a very great sounding atmospheric occult black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out there music. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "The Beast And The Mirror" and "Path To Amenti". RECOMMENDED.
Next up is A Transylvanian Funeral a 1 man band that plays a very raw and primitive form of occult black metal.
Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with some blast beats being thrown into the music at times, while the bass playing has a very dark tone with primitive riffing that dominates throughout their side of the recording.
Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast black metal riffs that are very dark, raw and primitive sounding in the true black metal tradition with some melody being thrown into the riffing at times and there are no guitar solos or leads present on their side of the recording.
Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams with a brief use of clean singing and some spoken word samples, while the lyrics cover dark and occult themes, as for the production it has a very dark, raw and primitive sound to it with some of the songs being long and epic in length.
In my opinion this is another great recording from A Transylvanian Funeral who also have the best songs on the split and if you are a fan of this band, you should check out their music on this split. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "The Supreme Rite Of Transmutation" and "Moonchild". RECOMMENDED.
In conclusion I feel this is a very great sounding split and if you are a fan of occult black metal, you should add this album to your collection. RECOMMENDED BUY.
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