Monday, April 22, 2013

Dunmharu Interview

  • 1. Can you give us an update on what is going on with the band these days?
    "We have a new album that's finished and ready for release and we try to write and record new material as much as we can."
    2. How would you describe the musical sound of the new album and how it differs from previous releases?
    "The songs on the new album are a lot longer than anything we have done before, we wanted to challenge our song writing abilities and try write long songs that keep the listeners attention and don't feel as though they last forever. There's more melodic parts and we use clean guitars more than we ever did before on previous releases"
    3. What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer music?
    "The main theme of the lyrics for the new album is the strong desire people have to try and preserve what they find beautiful or perfect. It deals with both the sadness that can be felt at the loss of this, and with the anger that it can cause. I take a lot of inspiration from my surroundings and the area that we live in, and the scenic beauty of my hometown is something that I don't want to be lost."
    4. What is the meaning and inspiration behind the bands name?
    "The name DĂșnmharĂș is Irish for 'murder'. I wanted a name that described both the sound of the music and the lyrical themes that I set out to explore when I started the band."
    5. Currently there are only 2 members in the band, are you planning or expanding the line up in the future?
    "We have no plans at the moment to expand the line up, but if we were ever going to do a live show we would of course recruit in new members."
    6. Currently you are signed to Broken Limb Recordings, how did you get in contact with this label and how would you describe the support they have given you so far?
    "We were contacted by them through email not long after 'October' was released. They have been extremely supportive and we couldn't be more grateful to them for giving us a chance to get our music out to a wider audience. They are passionate about this type of music and run the label with great enthusiasm and energy."
    7. On a worldwide level, how has the feedback been to your music by fans of black metal?
    "Any feedback we have gotten and any reviews we've read have all been positive and it's good to know that people are listening."
    8. Are there any other musical projects besides this band or is this a full time line up?
    "The town where Ross and I live has a very strong musical scene, where everybody knows each other and it's harder not to be in a few bands at one time than to try and start a band!"
    9. What direction do you see your music heading into on future releases?
    "I hope that with each release our songs become stronger and better written. I can see more elements of doom and epic style song structures entering into the music in the future."
    10. What are some bands or musical styles that have influenced your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
    "The first two big influences on the music that I was writing when we first started were Darkthrone and Burzum. Nowadays I am listening to Primordial constantly for inspiration, as well as My Dying Bride. I'm listening to a lot of Irish metal bands; Belinus, Celtachor, Refraction, Mourning Beloveth."
    11. Outside of music what are some of your interests?
    "I have a keen interest in local history, and also enjoy reading and writing."
    12. Any final words or thoughts before we wrap up this interview?
    "Thank you for your interest in the band and a huge thank you to everyone who has ever listened to us!"
  • -Cathal Hughes

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