Monday, November 25, 2024

Machtklang Interview


1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the solo project since the recording of the new album?


After it was recorded I immediately went over to produce some social media content, a music video & I was searching for a pr company which has brought me to Against PR who do a stellar job!

2.In December you have a new album coming out, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording?


It is a mixture of doom, early & second wave black metal which came naturally as I have written all the songs.I also tried to add a little bit of acoustic material, playing a mandolin & created atmospheric sounds using a steel tongue drum.

3.Some of your lyrics cover Satanism themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in the dark arts?


Since 19 years I am a Satanist after I was raised to be a Jehovah's Witness, because one of my parents being in that cult for more than 40+ years. Parallel I was s*xually abused for being trans by a catholic nun we had as a handicraft teacher from first to second grade. (That was from 1996 to 1998) As a kid I constantly prayed, that god/jehovah would make this evil nun stop molesting me. But nothing changed. God/Jehovah wasn't here. That experience has brought me to take a look into islam, into buddhism & hinduism, I looked into judaism and finally years later I was looking to see what the "enemy", Satan had to say. So I dipped my toe into satanism 19 years ago and since them I am constantly growing personally & emotionally. Personally, I do not find that the left hand path has only to do with "dark arts", because it leads to personal enlightenment & a higher awareness about how this earthly system is built to control us, the ego & the mind, to declare everything liberating as a "sin" to sell the fear of punishment in order to make you stay a sheep.

About your question:

To me, the interest in "dark arts" has been finding a way out of the mental cage religion has put over my head for so long. Of course satanism can be dark, as shadow work is important for every human being, but I can ensure you, that I am not like the cliche satanist the media has broadcasted about. Most folks cannot even differ a laveyan satanist from an anti-cosmic satanist.

4.You also add in a strong anti religion message in your lyrics, how would you describe your dislike for organized religions?


The dislike to religion comes of my personal experience with the people & their religion. I was abused BECAUSE I am trans by a catholic nun. I was told that I won't go to heaven/paradise by people following a religion. I was threatened to be murdered by Muslim people for existing. I was cyberbullied & name called by conservative Christians who are in Trumps MAGA cult. All these people attend to churches / mosques where their religious leader commands them, because of a imaginary friend (god) says so. However, most are just heretics and to me "holy" con - people in DRAG! But what pisses me off the most (& that's why I do MACHTKLANG) is the brainwashing of children into their religion. To me this is mental child abuse and needs to stop! How can it be normal to tell a 6 year old that if you don't behave, god will put you in hell where you will be tormented in eternity??? In today's world trans folks get painted as "predators" by the same people that brainwash & mentally abuse children with their religion & paranoia of fear & torment by an tyrannical entity they call god. This is ludacris! I cannot let this uncommented, so I use my voice, my weapon which is music....Of course I could burn down churches, but what would be the big picture??? They will rebuild everything using our tax money. Honestly it is way more effective to create awareness & change thoughts in the heads of people. You don't need to become a satanist in order to think critical. All my black metal crap is pure show. It shall fascinate you, disgust you, make people angry or otherwise trigger in any way. But my core message is strength & power to yourself and not having the religion reign over you which was once given by the location of your birthplace. Why are most europeans & americans christian? Why are most middle eastern people muslim? Why are most asian folks buddhist & why are most Indonesian people hindus????? It is because of the location you are born in & you were raised to protect this local identity given to you. Let that sink in...

5.What are some of the other lyrical topics and subjects you have explored so far with the lyrics?


The first song "Tief Begraben" is me describing what I would love to do with the nun who s*xually abused me as a child if she would still be alive. That song is simply about brutal revenge.

The second song "Machtklang" is more about finding oneself in today's world, where apps like Instagram, Facebook & TikTok has made people to become brain dead addicted smart phone zombies.

"Panzerbataillon Prometheus" is about a fantasy of destroying churches / mosques / temples with tanks to create a post religious world in which practitioners of religion can only do it in their own 4 walls anymore. 

However, the lyrics change from a violent standpoint into a more of a philosophical way of letting the war machines rest & to concentrate more of the enlightenment of people instead of causing more pain & destruction.

"Herbsthymne" is about a post religious world in which the most of the population is free from that religious mental cage which is brainwashed early on in childhood.

"Herbst" means Autumn. And just like the summer dies, I wish that the world religions will die out because of an overtaking of a risen, a higher consciousness.

For this I hope to be a trailblazer by creating ugly & brutal music to shake the sleepy minds up!

6.Originally the solo project was known as 'Finsterort', what was the cause of the name change?


Finsterort was my earliest project when I started out as a musician years ago. I had no concept and no plan/direction with finsterort. The renaming was necessary, because right now i got a concept, a plan & a direction. Finsterort was a name out of the german "finster", which means darkness and "ort" which means place. So basically a dark place. Machtklang means "mighty sound" or "sound of power". In Germany we have a saying that goes like: "Sprich mal ein Machtwort!" Which means having a voice to protest. To be able to be loud! To stand up for oneself! This is what Machtklang basically means. It is the "enough is enough" attitude towards religion & it's people who bully, murder & torture other people in the name of their god.

7.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover/


As a metalhead who not dresses like a metalhead, I constantly get told, that "I am not metal the way I dress" So, as a "fuck you" to the metal scene & community in general I am wearing one of my classy & very elegant shiny satinblouses in combination with my pearl necklace with a Leviathan cross attached to it to round it up. The blouse is black & is made of very silky, shiny satin. It has pearl buttons on its french style cuffs. It is very high class & elegant. So, as a satanist, I follow only my own rules when it comes down to my craft. I am not even feeling comfortable in labeling my own music as "black metal" to be honest, because this unnecessarily puts my art into a box. I make anti religious music & Machtklang is the vehicle for that. Also I want to have an authentic aesthetic, so I am not bending to the fashion trends in the metal scene/community.Imho metal became a society within our society. There's nothing rebellious anymore to it. You have to look like this & that and dress like this and that to be welcome???

Fuck you! πŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌ

8.With a lot of your projects you have recorded everything by yourself but have worked with musicians before in the past, do you prefer to work solo?


Yes I did and I was constantly screwed over. I see no point anymore in wasting my time with other people that are just leeches trying to suck me dry. Therefore I prefer to work solo.

9.Currently you are unsigned, are you looking for a label or have received any interest?


I once was signed, but again, he tried to milk me. So no. I have no interest in being signed.

10.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black and doom metal?


Well. I do not track the statistics to be fair. Some write me how they love it and some just hate me for whatever reason. In all honesty, I make music in the first place for myself. To cope with the experiences I had in life as a healthy way, because drinking, doing drugs or being violent won't help things evolve. So, if people love what I am doing, fine! And if people hate what I am doing, also fine. I don't care. With Machtklang, I probably won't open for Metallica. That's ok and absolutely not my goal. My goal is to write triumphant material that moves the listener & awakes emotions.

11.Where do you see yourself heading into as a musician during the future?


Machtklang, as same as Being "alive" is beautiful are just two "vomit bucket" - bandprojects. For 2025 I have a first album from my total new band in my pipeline. Also, I recorded a blues album, because I wanted to make a blues album. That being said is the aim for 2025. We will see how it all will turn out :)

12.What are some of the bands or musical styles that you are currently listening to nowadays?


I constantly listen to Judas Priest in the last months, for it gets me pumpin & makes me feel good :)

13.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?


I want to thank you for having me & I want to thank each & everyone who has read the interview! Reach out to me at any time! Don't be shy!

Hail Satan! Hail Machtklang! Hail Yourself!

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