Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Liljevars Brann Interview


1. Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the musical project, since the recording and release of the new album? 

Actually it's been a long journey from the first Liljevars Brann recordings to the final release of the album and we could not be happier that HELJA KOR is now unleashed to the world. We recorded this album in early 2021 so it's been a while. In the meantime we already worked on the second Liljevars Brann album and gathering ideas for a third one. 

2. Recently you have released your first full length, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording? 

For HELJA KOR , we wanted to blend sparks of traditional black metal with more atmospheric and mystical elements. Our goal was to create a sound that feels immersive, dark, and spiritual at the same time. We leaned heavily into melancholic riffing and harmonies while balancing it with melodic acoustic folk passages. 

3. You refer to your music as being 'mystical black metal', can you tell us a little bit more about this term? 

‘Mystical black metal’ for us is about infusing the music with a sense of mystery and spirituality. It’s not just about raw aggression or darkness, but more about exploring the unknown, the hidden forces of nature, and the deeper side of existence. We aim to create a soundscape that feels otherworldly, something that transports the listener beyond the material realm. 

4. What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band has explored so far with the music? 

The lyrics are written in a fancy language. They are important to intensify the mystical atmosphere of the songs. But we have also written a background story about Liljevars Brann. Maybe we can release it one day as a book. It's story about two spiritual brothers unknown to each other, thrown into a magical world where they discover the reason of their existence. 

5. Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

 The artwork is based on the background story I just told you and the strange creature is Halvor, one of the main characters of the Liljevars Brann world. He's kind of a keeper.


6. Currently there are only 2 members in the band, are you open to expanding the line-up or do you prefer to remain a duo? 

At the moment, we enjoy the dynamic of being a duo. It gives us complete creative control and allows us to work more intimately on our ideas. 

7. The new album was released on 'Octopus Rising', can you tell us a little bit more about this label?

 Octopus Rising is new and fresh underground label. They have been incredibly supportive of our vision, giving us the freedom to maintain our creative direction. They understand the deeper, spiritual nature of our music and have been a perfect partner in bringing this album to life.

 8. On a worldwide level, how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black metal?

 The reaction has been very positive, especially from fans who appreciate the more atmospheric and mystical side of black metal. We’ve received a lot of support from listeners who connect with the themes and appreciate the depth of the sound. It’s been humbling to see our music resonate with people from different parts of the world. 

9. Do any of the band members also have experience playing in other bands or musical projects?

 Yes, both of us have been involved in other projects in the past decades. With these experiences in mind we have started Liljevars Brann with a strong vision and a conceptional idea. 

10. Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future? 

In the future, we plan to further explore the mystical and atmospheric elements of our sound. There will definitely be an evolution, but we want to keep the essence of what makes our sound unique—dark, spiritual, and immersive. 

11. What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

 Early Ulver definitely were so important to understand how black metal can be blended with dark folk. Also early The 3rd and the Mortal or Landberk. Nowadays we are more interested in music far away from metal sources. Songwriters, movie scores… 

12. Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts? 

We’d just like to thank everyone who has supported us so far. Creating this music is a deeply personal journey for us, and seeing it resonate with others is incredibly rewarding. We hope to continue bringing this mystical experience to listeners and look forward to sharing more in the future. Stay connected, and keep exploring

https://www.facebook.com/ liljevarsbrannofficial/
https://www.instagram.com/ liljevarsbrann/

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