Gehenna not be be confused with the other bands of the same name are a band from Nevada that plays a mixture of raw and primitive sounding black metal, death, thrash and hardcore and this is a review of their 2000 album "Negotium Perambulans In Tenebris" which was re-issed by A389 Recordings during the year of 2013.
Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with some blast beats being utilized at times, while the bass playing has a very strong and powerful sound with heavy riffing that dominates throughout the recording.
Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast riffs that combine raw and primitive sounding black metal with death, thrash and hardcore together to create a sound of their own and there are no guitar solos or leads or leads present on this recording.
Vocals are mostly high pitched and grim sounding black metal screams along with a brief use of hardcore style vocals, while the lyrics cover warfare, drug addition, anti religious and anti establishment themes, as for the production it has a very heavy, raw and primitive sound while you can still hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion Gehenna are a very great sounding hybrid of primitive black metal, death, thrash, punk and hardcore and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Pestilence" "Birth Of Vengeance" "The Seven Crowns" and "One Way to Die". RECOMMENDED BUY.
"very great sounding hybrid","create a sound of their own". Agreed. The rest of their catalog is as or more raw and vicious. Hail CO7C...