Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Gynosko Interview


1. For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the solos project?

Black metal was the first genre that really inspired me to want to learn to play music. I started off on bass guitar, then drums, then guitar. I started listening to the Norwegian scene (Emperor and Immortal), but over the years I listened to a variety of black metal styles. I knew I wanted to create music myself and I just initiated some guitar riffs that I could string together into a song. The instrument I am most proficient in is drums so creating drum rhythms was easy. I’ve always loved folk instrumentation and the tin whistle is a beautiful sounding instrument that adds emotion and atmosphere. With all of the elements, it was just a matter of time to make the rough and final drafts of the songs.

2. In September you had released an ep, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording?

I wanted to go for the classic black metal sound and style but wanted to add some progressive elements like odd time signatures into it. For example, in one song, I have a deescalating time signature: 7/4 to 6/4 to 5/4 to 4/4. But I also liked some of the progressive sounds of the bass like Ne Obliviscaris. It’s kind of a fusion of all the types of black metal that I listen to and that can work together with elements of melodic and progressive death metal.

3. A lot of your lyrics cover existential themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in this topic?

A couple of years ago, I went into a series of questioning what I have previously believed in. It caused me to reevaluate what I believe to be true and toss out what I concluded was false. I listened to a lot of debates and lectures by people like Christopher Hitchens, William Lane Craig, Peter Sanger, and Gary Habermas to name a few. It has also caused me to read some works by some great philosophers.

4. What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Gynosko'?

Gynosko is an Koine Greek word which means “to know”. It’s not just a surface level knowledge but a deeper and more personal knowledge. I take it as a difference between knowing something is true and knowing why that something is true.

5. Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the ep?

I wanted to get the feeling of wandering through the mountains to resemble the motif of finding oneself in the mountains. I also liked the album covers that Taake have. Fortunately, my wife is a gifted photographer so we went up to the Kirkwood mountains (a little south of Lake Tahoe) and found a good overview spot.

6. With the exception of a few session musicians you record most of the music by yourself, are you open to expanding into a full line up?

I do hope to have at least a live line up. Doing shows and concerts is a goal of mine, but finding the right people who are available is difficult. I may permanently include members into the band, but I would want to make sure I stick to my vision of the music for Gynosko.

7. Currently you are unsigned, are you looking for a label or have received any interest?

I am interested in a label as it will help. Once I get some new material, I’ll be sending it out hoping to get signed.

8. On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black metal?

Overall, I have been getting positive reactions. Despite this style being very niche and songs that are on the longer side, people have been saying there are enough variety in the songs to keep them interested. I have never really liked overly repetitive music and in my songs, if something is repetitive, I hope to progressively vary throughout the song. YouTube channel Metal Trenches was gracious enough to give a short listen through of my EP on his October Bandcamp releases.

9. When can we expect a full length and also where do you see yourself heading into as a musician during the future?

I am hoping to get a full album within the next year or two, but life has a way of delaying our plans so I don’t want to have any substantial promises. I will say that I have outlines for 3 or 5 songs so far and hope to work a lot during this winter break. I am also taking some music lessons in a new instrument that I hope to incorporate into future releases. I already recorded some snippets to use for a song. With each new release, I hope to introduce a new instrument in my lineup. I am also learning new techniques of each instrument and some cool drum rhythms that will complement with the overall picture.

10. What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

I’ve always been influenced by Emperor, Immortal, Windir, and Enslaved. The drummer that really inspires me is Darkside of Mgła and you can hear influences in my playing. Bands like Vukari, Saor, Wędrujacy Wiatr, and Furia are some bands that also inspire me. I currently am listening to all of the above, but have also been listening to classical music like Wagner and Mussorgsky while listening to some jazz like Buddy Rich.

11. What are some of your non musical interests?

I am an active person and I love the outdoors like hiking, camping, and skiing while I also like weight lifting. I am also an avid reader and have read works of Nietzsche, Ambrose of Milan, Plato, Kant, and Justin Martyr. I like to exercise both my body and my mind as I see this along with music to help me be a more balanced person.

12. Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts? 

I have always respected the bands that have been innovative for the genre and I hope that my music will be likewise. Go check out my music and follow me on my social media pages. If a fan is in the Sacramento area, feel free to message me and we can try to meet up!

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