Wraith where a duo from Atlanta, Georgia that played a very dark, raw and primitive form of depressive black metal and this is a review of their 2003 album "Shadows" which was released by Graveless Slumber Records.
Drums range from slow to mid paced drumming with only a small amount of fast playing and not much in the way of blast beats, while the bass playing has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars, as for the synths which are only utilized briefly they bring a very dark ambient, avant garde occult sound to the music.
Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to some fast depressive black metal riffs that are very dark, raw and primitive sounding with some doom metal and dark ambient influences being thrown into the riffing as well as a brief use of soft and clean playing that utilize some full chords at times and there are no guitar solos and leads present on this recording.
Vocals are mostly grim and evil sounding black metal screams and cries with some whispers and Gregorian chanting, while the lyrics cover Darkness, Occultism and Anti Christian themes, as for the production it has a very dark raw and primitive sound to it.
In my opinion Wraith where a very great sounding depressive black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should c heck out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Orlock" "Realm Of The Mad God" and "The Fog". RECOMMENDED BUY.
Glad you enjoyed our album