Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Fyrgast Interview


1.Can you give us an update on what is going on with the solo project these days?

First of all HI! Well yeah, it’s a productive time and I’m writing many riffs here and there as I work on several cd’s at once. I’ve always done that. Like if I get inspired I have to record what I hear in my head so it doesn’t disappear like many things in my head does haha. Too often. But that’s demos then or just so you can plug in next time and know where to begin when you record “seriously”. I do this instead of rehearsing. So jams become songs basically. I like that workflow and that’s where I’m currently at with Fyrgast while also writing some titles and trying to edge a new album out. Also have vacation now so try to just be with my family too. I’m always doing some Fyrgast stuff but some days a little less. Something I’ve gotten better at after doing it full on earlier. That left me feeling like a mess. Gotta be good to yourself man.

2.Your last full length came out in 2023, how would you describe the musical progress from your current music to the earlier albums that you had recorded?

I think people will find the new stuff a little like I’ve gone full circle, because I’ve gone from the 90’s black kind of music to this epic viking thing with many slow songs featuring Swedish lyrics and stuff like that, still with with harsch black metal kind of riffs, but you know.. I kind of hate that last album. I worked on it for so long like the basics of it so when I started getting into the process of evolving it I started really question what I was doing with it and I started disliking the songs, (but loving the riffs. STILL). It’s a strange thing and I don’t know how usual that is, but it happened to me. I just wanted to be done with the album! But throwing it away wasn’t an option. I had put too much work into it. So it ended up the way it ended up. Now I’m back to where I started with the 90’s black and I won’t walk myself into that trap again of thinking “let’s try something new!” This isn’t that sort of thing. Took me a bad album to realize that hehe. 

3.The project has roots dating back until 2006 but you waited to have music released until 2022, can you tell us a little bit more about the long wait?

Yeah, that’s because in 2006 I didn’t even own a decent computer and I didn’t know how to record haha. But I got help from my friend Viktor in Mylingen, because we were recording stuff for Apathy Noir then and he’s a bloody genious so it started like that, but we did sessions and I was pretty much out getting drunk all the time back then so it halted haha. I was not really all that disciplined in any standard. I’m glad I grew up even if it happened later in life haha. But back to music – I started getting interested in the 2010’s somewhere and 2013 I had a computer and started learning. 2016 I recorded two songs “Fafnesbane” and “Dark ages”. I lived on the high of making those for years hehe, but only one person got to hear them. Truth be told though I was also trying to be a present dad and I was studying and working throughout those years so there wasn’t really time and the inspiration wasn’t there in between the little moments of time I had. I was content with my family life (still am!). It wasn’t until my friend who liked the songs passed away that I got really motivated and started doing this so vigorously as I did. My goal was to get a record done in his honour, but then I just kept going. That was 2021 and 2022 for me.

4.In 2022 and 2023 you released a good album of material but have slowed down the last year, what was the decision behind slowing down on putting out releases?

Because I had to. I was too much into this Fyrgast thing and I had just made “Ivaldes söner” that I hated how it turned out. But I’m not erasing the past. That album will always be there, but you know I recently learned to take longer breaks from intense sessions so that’s the reason. I don’t ever want to fall out of love with the music I make again, because that’s basically what happened. I collapsed on the whole thing. Had a meltdown because it was too intense all of it. I love just making riffs and taking it easy. A year for a album sounds more calm right? Instead of four decent sounding albums I could work on ONE that sound great. That’s what I’m going for. But again, I love all of my history. What you see is what happened and it happened because it was supposed to happen. It’s there for all to see and for me to reflect upon. Hopefully someone can learn from it, I know others who also grew disillusioned this way. Too much releases too fast. It’s not sustainable. 

5.You also have experience working with other styles of metal with your previous bands, do you feel this has made you a better musician?

Oh, I don’t know. I was always just the singer in other bands. I always wrote lyrics though. That’s a knowledge I’ve perfected I guess. With the guitar and writing songs I still feel young and naïve because I started that when I was 11, but I only practiced regularly in my youth. As soon as I got to sing I was bad at practicing the guitar. I kind of just became a persona who was partying and misbehaving. That’s my overall impression. People loved my voice, but I guess even in that case they wished I practiced that more and spend less time partying. I think people loved the voice like I said, but thought I was a difficult person to deal with because of my partying and unprofessional style. Of course I learned something. How to use my voice and writing lyrics. I think working with Viktor on Apathy Noir is what benefited me most in terms of Fyrgast.

6.Your last album showed the lyrics cover Norse Mythology, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in this topic?

I’ve always been deeply into that. And all mythologies. Read many books and watched many documentaries. I’m quite into history as well and occult things. I don’t know why but it’s always been an interest of mine. As to why – I don’t know. Because it’s mystical and triggers the curiousity? I never perceive things as “this happened” when it comes to myths and certain parts of history. I just dive in and get intrigued.

7.What are some of the other lyrical topics and subjects you have explored so far with your music?

Occult things, mythologies, philosophy, historical things. Witchburning and different things like that. Vampires, wolves, sirens, the forest. Old war history, warlords. Odd books on things. Things that could have been or not. I like when there’s mystic circumstances, but I have also written about self enlightenment through darkness, because that’s where we need to go to find our true selves. Into the dark places of our minds. Everything has to be accounted for in order to move forward. Sounds cheesy yes, but it’s the truth. 

8.Origianlly the project was called 'Antagonist', what was the cause of the name change and also the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Fyrgast'?

Haha, this is a funny one. I wanted the name Antagonist, but by the time I was getting serious with my music that name had been taken so then I had to come up with a new one. The inspiration was that I wanted something that stood out and felt easy to say and it had to fit the music. The name itself just came to me one day. I made a logo and thought it looked as good as it sounded and was easy to remember so I kept it. It doesn’t mean anything really, but I was set on making this sort of music and was inspired by those who came before me I guess.

9.You also released a 'Motorhead' cover, what was the decision behind doing your own version of one of their songs?

I love Motorhead and in my opinion despite bands like Slayer, Sodom, Mercyful Fate, Venom, Iron Maiden and more obscure bands I think the closest inspiration to all black metal the one that really has that feeling that black metal has, the energy and the “F you attitude” I think Motorhead are the undisputed kings of that. And always will be! Just listen to an early Bathory album and Motorhead. So I thought, let’s try that. There will be more covers like that for sure because I had a blast making that and I want to salute the kings! Always!

10.Recently you have signed to 'War Productions', how did you get in contact with this label?

We met on Instagram and that’s were I hang out. The only place. I got a hold of them after parting ways with Teufelszeug records and we hit it off so we make music together. I love working with Faust from War productions. He’s a great guy, intelligent and funny so we just keep doing our thing. We share the same vision on underground music and he’s a big part of Fyrgast. He even made some videos for Fyrgast and got really involved in layout and you know, I love it. He’s got the fire and when you meet a person with the fire, you stick with them. 

 11.On  a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black metal?

Really great. Man, the fans are everything and I talk to them and interact. We become friends in some cases you know, because we are likeminded. So that’s been really good. I’m not a big artist and I’m not a person who acts a certain way towards fans. We meet as people and talk like people. Always. I know people all over the world and I’m so thankful for that experience. And I gotta say, many people I talk to also play in bands or work with zines and stuff so we help each other and promote each other. It’s such a great community, the underground black metal one.

12.When can we expect newer music and also where do you see yourself heading into as a musician during the future?

I want to keep doing what I do, but just a bit slower. Keeps the label happy too, because you can’t release 4 albums at the time with an artist haha. So slower, but better. I’m in talks of sending my stuff for mastering as well. Done it myself in the past, but this time I want someone else to do it, because it’s exhausting and they know how to do it much better. Also keep evolving in the craft of writing and recording. Getting better and getting a better sound, but still harsh and raw if you know what I mean. There are things to improve but I still feel I start from a decent place having done both good stuff and some mistakes in the past. I’m working on an album now with no name. Ten songs. I hope it will be done before this year ends. That’s the timeline and it will be full circle around like I mentioned before. Back to Fyrgast basics. 

13.What are some of the bands or musical styles that you are currently listening to nowadays?

I listen to a variety of stuff. Right now I listen to many free releases from bandcamp. Black metal, death metal. But I also listen to older stuff at the moment. Old thrash and speed releases from Germany and the states. That’s the main stuff right now. Ice cold tremolo picking and blistering Floyd rose solos hehe. 

14.Before we wrap up thi interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Yeah. I want to thank Occult Black Metal Zine for having me and I want the readers to keep an eye out for Mylingen “Under en svart Himmel” and stay tuned for a new Fyrgast release this year (hopefully) hehe. And of course HAILS TO YE ALL!


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