Germany's duo Mavorim has returned with a new recording which shows the music going for a very stark and austere style of black metal and this is a review of their 2024 album "Ominia Paratus" which will be released in December by Purity Through Fire.
Militant style beats start off the album along with some ambient style synths a few seconds later which also mixes in with the heavier sections of the songs at times. Whispers can also be heard briefly along with all of the musical instruments also having a very powerful sound to them and the recording also has its atmospheric moments.
Vocals are mostly grim sounding black metal screams while the faster sections of the songs also utilize a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats which also gives the album more of a raw feeling. When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very melodic style and some of the tracks are also very long and epic in length.
A lot of the music is also very heavily rooted in the old school era along with the songs also adding in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts as well as one track also introducing clear vocals onto the album, clean playing can also be heard briefly. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics are written in German and cover Paranormal Activities, Death and Darkness themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Mavorim and if you are a fan of raw, atmospheric and ambient black metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Als der Menscheit Willr brach" "Stahleme Reihn" "Traume' and "Der letzten Sonne Untergang". 8 out of 10.
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