Portugal's solo project Monte Penumbra has returned with a new recording which shows the music going for an avant garde form of occult black metal and this is a review of his 2024 album "Austure Dawning" which was released on December 13th by NoEvDiva.
Avant garde sounds start off the album and also mixes in with the heavier sections of the songs at times. A lot of the tracks are also very long and epic in length while the music also has it dissonant moments and the when the music speeds up a great amount of tremolo picking and blast be heard which also gives the recording more of a raw feeling.
Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams while all of the musical instruments on the recording also have a very powerful sound to them. Melodies are also added into some of the guitar riffing along with the songs also adding in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts. at times the music also gets very experimental sounding.
One track also introducing clear vocals onto the album and when guitar solos and leads are finally utilized they are also done in a very melodic style, synths and chants can also be heard on a couple of tracks. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover Occultism and Death themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Monte Penumbra and if you are a f an of aggressive and avant garde occult black metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Ab.gott" "Sub Forma de Animal" and "Starmen Of Barenness". 8 out of 10.
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