1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording of the new album?
Berlial : We went in to the Lower Tones Place in Jan 2024. Then we worked for 2 months on several mix and mastering. End of march we started to look for a label and finally signed with My Kingdom Music beg of May. We worked since then on preparing the release: finding the PR agency, a second label for physical retailing in France (Source Atone Records), a third one for tapes (Huard Productions), realizing the digital visuals and the video clip.
2.In February you have a new album coming out, musically hoe does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?
Berlial : It is a huge step compared to the previous album “Enfants de putains”. This last one was a bit a patchwork of many influences without a clear art direction. For this second one, if we wanted to preserve diversity, we wanted also to have a consistent music basis : an ambient, melodic and sometimes dissonant black metal. Something evocative and immersive which will then allow to incorporate a large panel of elements : electro, ambient, sympho, post rock… But we have the ambition to work closely on transitions and structures of tracks to make the different parts easy to integrate together.
3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band explores with the newer release and also how would you describe your progress as songwriters over the years?
Berlial : there are two dimensions :
A collective side through a rude critical of human development and self destructive behaviour by environment destruction, space invasion with plenty of satellites, religious fanatism, and limitless devotion to capitalism. This collective behaviour looks like the routine of an addict. Which brings us to the seconde side : the individual one.
During the period of time of creation of this album, CzH became sobber and his struggle against addiction became a key topic in several songs. There is a direct link between the addiction and the meaningless world around. Mankind seems to be completely addicted to financial growth and productivity as the recent elections in your country seem to show.
4.The bands name is an acronym of Beria former leader of the N.K.V.D and Belial from Demonology, can you tell us a little bit about mixing these 2 together and you interest in both of the topics?
Berlial : back to the very basis of Black Metal, the antihuman aggression. The devil is within us, no need for external archetypes to look for guilty, just have a look in the mirror. This is valid for mankind but also each individual, an addict for instance.
5.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork on the new album cover?
Berlial :
The artwork depicts Charon sailing through the waste piles of the 6th continent. Sorrowful souls, reminiscent of the migrants dying in the sea as they try to survive, are drowning there. We also distinguish a satellite like those already invading space. The back represents a Charon who, even he, needs to forget, a bottle in hand, waiting for the new passengers who will be legion.
The choice of Jeff Grimal was imposed by his way of working and his technique, a raw art, a suggestive figuration which tends towards the abstract. In addition, the artist's favorite themes (Lovecraft's universe, nature and the abstract) are adapted to what the group wanted to represent.
6.What is the meaning behind the masks the band members where in the promo pics?
Berlial : we are not particularly looking to stay anymous. Actually, you can easily find us on Facebook. It is a question of art direction for the Band. We pay our duty to the Black Metal archetypes. It is also a way to highlight that when we are dealing with Berlial, we are no longer Cédric or Jérémie but our avatars Hsod and CzH, because we need to deal of our own devils, Berlial is a way to make exist and control them for the other part of our life (family, job, social)
7.Has the band done any live shows or open to the idea?
Berlial : no and this is not the plan. First of all because we are ony two and splitted 310 miles from each other, so this would be complicated. Furthermore we are both single fathers. And with the time left we have, we want to focus on creation rather than rehearsals. Berlial is not a hobby, it is a matter of survival, we don’t want to chill together, we need to express our demons in this music. You don’t or you should not opt for black metal by hazard. There are always deep reasons behind this path.
8.The new album was released on 'My Kingdom Music', how would you compare working with them to your previous label 'Narcoleptica Productions'?
Berlial : completely different. Narcoleptica is a distro from Kazakhstan. Serguei offered us the opportunity to release CDs, he contacted us on Bandcamp. It allowed to touch people in the Eastern part of Europe but it not comparable to labels. For promotion, we did contact some webzines and media by ourselves. But for a first album, it made sense.
Francesco has founded My Kingdom Music more than 20 years ago. Some legends are in the label’s roster (Deynonychus or Crest of Darkness). With his work he’s giving us the opportunity to broadcast our music on a global level, as the current interview does illustrate. He is recognized in the music business, and for instance by integrating our singles in playlists on Spotify, our music can touch a very large audience. Being in such a label, is a proof of quality and credibility. It is also a strong proof of trust : he put money on the table to release our music knowing the fact that we don’t play live. For this reason, we invested in the artwork working with very well known Jeff Grimal, producing a video clip, …
9.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black metal?
Berlial : Since we haven’t released the full length album yet (interview realized on Jan the 23rd) complicated to answers. We got 2 or 3 first chronicles including yours – warm thank you again- and they seem to be positive, people seem to understand our approach and even enjoy it. It is very satisfying. And by the way we seem to have many listeners in the US.
10.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?
Berlial : vey good question because we have started to work on the 3rd album already and will move to industrial black metal, lots of noisy & electro influences. Neo Inferno 242 and Dodsmaghird are very good credentials to have an idea of what Berlial is cooking next.
11.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
Berlial: In terms of styles : melodic BM, avant-garde, dissonant, DSBM. But also sludge, posthardcore.
We listen to plenty of bands, in 2024 Dodseeskader, Inter Arma, Akhlys (US!), Fange, Dodsmaghird, Trelldom, Ulcerate, Spectral Wound, or Firtan offered crazy albums to listen to.
12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?
Berlial : thank you very much for your interest, your time, for supporting the scene. It is activists like you that make the music lives and allow bands like us to broadcast their music. Apart from the creation itself, we do record and release the music to have the opportunity of having conversation and exchanges like these. So again thanks and down your neels for Berlial (joking 😊)