1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the solo project?
I would describe Amenspear as a progressive black metal project. It's rooted in the thrashier and more epic styles of black metal like Absu, Enslaved, Darkthrone, and Immortal, and then the proggier parts come from whatever else I might be into at the time of writing and whatever fits the song. That could be 70s prog rock, classical, folk, or just an interesting mix of genres like death metal or groove metal. I have lots of music written, and I can't wait to record and release it all.
2.You have an ep coming out in March, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording?
The EP is called "A Casket of Relics" and it'll be released on all platforms on March 7. Whereas the debut album Vaera was much more rooted in the black metal sound of bands like Absu, Emperor, or Immortal, this upcoming EP showcases the more progressive side. The biggest influence that listeners will hear is definitely 1990s Opeth. I was going for that type of sound but made a bit more black metal.
3.Previously you where a part of 'Vathis' and 'Aphredon', musically how does your new project differ from projects you where a part of in the past?
Amenspear is basically the combination of those two previous projects. Vathis was just the pure black metal sound, and Aphedron was the death metal side. But ultimately as I wrote music for both those project names, I realized that my musical "fingerprints" were there regardless and decided to combine them into one project, Amenspear. So musically, Amenspear can be anything I want it to be, progressive, extreme, epic, melodic, or brutal.
4.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects you have explored so far with this project?
"A Casket of Relics" is a single 26 minute song and the lyrical theme is basically about putting old ways behind you. That toxic lifestyle of casual sex, partying, and bad friends that, while fun when you are young, becomes a burden as you get older. On the "Vaera" album the lyrical themes are more varied, some historical topics, some psychological. Black metal and death metal often have pretty negative lyrics and while I do keep that general mood because it fits the music, I usually like to frame my lyrics as inner struggles but with a hope that they can be overcome. The thing that attracted me to extreme metal when I was younger was that feeling of empowerment, and I want that to come across in my music.
5.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Amenspear'?
The word "amen" comes from ancient Hebrew and can basically be translated as either truth, trust, or belief. And so I combined it with the weapon "spear" to show how these things can all be painful and wound you. That no one gets to the truth, or to feel trusting, or to believe in something without also feeling pain. So the meaning behind Amenspear is basically "truth hurts!".
6.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new ep cover?
The artwork is a Renaissance era painting called "Magdalene at a Mirror" by the French painter Georges de La Tour. I chose it because it has a dark and kind of gothic mood, and the box with the skull on it looks like a literal small "casket of relics".
7,.With this project you record everything by yourself, are you open to working with other musicians or do you prefer to work solo?
I would definitely be open to working with others! But I think for Amenspear specifically, I generally would like to keep it a solo project as it's my most personal project. But I would definitely explore different sounds in another project with others.
8.Currently you are unsigned, are you looking for a label or have received any interest?
Amenspear is still a very new project so no interest yet, but I would be open to talking with any labels. It would be cool to see Amenspear on physical CDs, vinyls, and t-shirts!
9.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black and progressive metal?
Good so far! Anyone who's listened to "A Casket of Relics" has liked it, which is great to hear. Hopefully a larger fanbase begins to build, I can see some fans have been listening around the US, and in European countries like Germany, Denmark, and Italy.
10.When can we expect a full length and also where do you see yourself heading into as a musician during the future?
I'm working on the second LP now and hopefully will have it out later this year. It's not going to be as melodic and progressive as "A Casket of Relics" but it will also be much more varied in sounds than "Vaera". Every song will have its own identity, from the black metal sound, to death metal, funeral doom, and even a sort of alternative rock/metal kind of vibe. In the future, I think Amenspear's music will get heavier, groovier, and more death metal, while still keeping the epic black metal atmosphere. That's the stuff I've been listening to lately and those are the types of riffs I've been writing.
11.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
Definitely Opeth has always been my favorite band and their music has always seemed to grab me the most, but specifically for Amenspear's music, I think you can also hear Absu, Agalloch, Enslaved, early Gojira, Melechesh, Darkthrone, and Moonsorrow. All those bands and more were so foundational to me when I was a teenager. Lately I've been listening to some moodier country like Sturgill Simpson and 16 Horsepower, and then heavier stuff like Dismember, Mastodon, and Death.
12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?
Just that I hope any readers check out my music on Spotify, Bandcamp, or Youtube and enjoy it! If you like progressive extreme metal or more pure black metal I think you'll enjoy the Vaera album or the upcoming "A Casket of Relics" EP! And I'm happy to hear any feedback if someone would like to contact me through Bandcamp! Cheers!
https://amenspear.bandcamp. com/
https://www.instagram.com/ amenspearband