Flagg are a duo from Finland that has been featured before in this zine and on this recording plays a very fast, melodic old school form of black metal and this is a review of their 2025 album "Diabolical Bloodlust" which will be released in April by Purity Through Fire.
Melodic guitar solos and leads start off the album before going into a very fast and raw musical direction which also uses a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats. Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams while the music is very heavily rooted in the 90's era and the riffs also add in a decent amount of melody.
All of the musical instruments on the recording also have a very powerful sound to them while keyboards can also be heard at times. The songs also add in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts along with the solos and leads also being done in a very melodic style and the music focuses more on the classic European style.
On this recording Flagg goes for more of a fast, melodic and raw style of black metal that is very heavily rooted in the mid 90's tradition. The production sounds very raw and heavy while the lyrics cover death, darkness, misanthropy and anti religion themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Flagg and if you are a fan of melodic and old school black metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Storming The Gates" "The Book Of Death" and "Omega Dawn". 8 out of 10.
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