Germany's Panzerkrieg 666 have returned with a new recording which shows the music going for a very fast and raw mixture of black and death metal and this is a review of their self released 2025 ep "Day Of Genocide" which will be released in April.
Drum b eats start off the ep along with some heavy riffing a few seconds later while the faster sections of the songs also add in a lot of tremolo picking and blast beats which also gives the music more of a raw feeling along with the vocals being mostyl high pitched black metal screams mixed in with a few death metal growls.
Most of the music is also very heavily rooted in the mid 90's era while the songs also add in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts. A small amount of melody can also be heard in some of the guitar riffing along with one track also adding in a brief use of spoken word samples and all of the music sticks to a heavier direction.
On this recording Panzerkrieg 66 plays a very fast and raw form of black metal as well as adding in elements of death metal to enhance the aggression of the music. The production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics cover war, death and genocide themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Panzerkrieg 666 and if you are a fan of fast and raw black/death metal, you should check out this ep. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Death Genesis" and "Warcult". 8 out of 10.
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