Netherlands's Grey Aura have returned with a new recording which shows the music going for a very atmospheric and avant garde form of black metal and this is a review of their 2025 album "Zwart vierkant: Slotstuk" which will be released on march 28th by Avantgarde Music.
A very heavy yet melodic sound starts off the album while all of the musical instruments also have a very powerful sound to them. At times the music also gets very experimental and avant garde sounding along with the faster sections of the songs also adding in a decent amount of tremolo picking and blast b eats which also gives the recording more of a raw feeling.
Melodies are also added into some of the guitar riffing while spoken words are also added into certain sections of the album. Harsh vocals are done in more of an angry black metal style mixed in with a touch of hardcore along with the songs also adding in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and the recording also has its atmospheric moments.
A couple of the tracks are also very long and epic in length along with the guitar solos and leads also being done in a very melodic post metal style when they are utilized, clean playing and acoustic guitars are also added on a few songs as well as some clear chants also being used briefly and wind instruments are also introduced on an instrumental. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics are based upon the second half of Ruben Wij'acker's novel "De protodood in zwarte haren".
In my opinion this is another decent sounding recording from Grey Aura and if you are a fan of avant garde and atmospheric post black metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE " Daken als kiezen" "Opgehangen afgrond" and "Slotstuk". 7/5 out of 10.
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