Vetus Sanguis are a solo project from Portugal that plays a very raw and old school form of black metal and this is a review of his 2025 album "Capítulo I - Dimensão Horrenda" which will be released in April by Helldprod Records.
A very dark yet heavy sound starts off the album while you can also hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording. Melodies are also added into some of the guitar riffing along with some tracks also adding in a small amount of synths and the vocals are mostly grim sounding black metal screams.
When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very dark yet melodic style while the faster sections of the songs also add in a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats which also gives the album more of a raw feeling. A lot of the music is also very heavily rooted in the 90's era.
Throughout the recording you can also hear a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts along with one song also adding in a brief use of clean playing as well as one track also being a Discharge cover and the album also closes with an acoustic instrumental. The production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics are written in Portuguese and cover Occultism, Witchery and Misanthropy themes.
In my opinion Vetus Sanguis are a very great sounding raw and old school black metal solo project and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Campos Infernais" "Trombetas Diabólicas" "Saturno" and "Jardim de Marmore". 8 out of 10.
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