Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Bloody Valkyria Interview


1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the solo project?

1. Well, the project is named Bloody Valkyria and it represents everything that I, as a lifelong metalhead, love about this art form. It has melodies, rawness, aggression, tranquility and epicness.

2.You have a full length coming out in September, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical style that you went for on the recording?

2. The musical style of the coming debut album is quite melodic and occasionally folkish compared to more traditional black metal. This is because I wrote half of the songs while I was still playing in a folk metal band and I tried to add more black metal elements into that band's music. The longer song lengths came naturally since I knew the lyrical theme before composing them (and such epic tales cannot be told in just a few minutes)

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects you have explored so far with the music?

3. The debut album deals with the three epic tales from J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion (Fall of Nargothrond, Sack of Doriath & Fall of Gondolin). As for other music I've done with my previous bands, I've explored themes such as finnish and viking mythology, video games, historical events and fantasy in its many forms.

4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Bloody Valkyria'?

4. The name Bloody Valkyria is taken from one of my favourite novel series, Overlord by Kugane Maruyama. I've changed the spelling though.

5.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the album cover?

5. Album's artwork, which is done by Silvana Massa, represents the beginning of the fall of Gondolin. It simultaneously describes the song "Burning Citadel" and the name of the whole album "Kingdom in fire".

6.With this project you record everything by yourself, are you open to working with other musicians or do you prefer to remain a solo project?

6. This whole solo project is a solution to years of failed band attempts. I'm not ruling out any collaborations with other musicians but at the moment I prefer to do things on my own. But as for the future, if I find the right minded fellow musicians, I'd like to turn this project into a full band, capable of live performances.

7.The new album is going to be released on physical format by 'Northern Silence Productions', how did you get in contact with this label?

7. Northern Silence Productions has worked with many of my favourite bands along the years and I thought that my music would fit pretty well into their catalogue. So, I sent them an email and offered my work and they accepted. Simple as that.

8.On  a world wide level how has the reaction been to  your music by fans of black metal?

8. As for the moment, I haven't received that much feedback other than from my friends and family. The few comments that I've seen online have been positive but I'm not sure if any of those have came from black metal fans. I know that my music is far from "trve cvlt" black metal so naturally there will be a bit of a dichotomy among those fans.

9.Do you also have experience playing in other bands or musical projects?

9. Of course I had a couple of different band projects in school and after that a very short lived trash metal band before sticking with folk metal band Talethrone for a few years. Ultimately, the demise of that last band led to this project.

10.Where do you see yourself heading into as a musician during the future?

10. I try to evolve into further heights as a musician, composer, lyricist and producer. As for now, I have no further plans other than finishing the new songs for the coming second album.

11.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

11. I have been a metalhead since I was eight years old and developed my taste to reach pretty much every style of metal music so it is quite hard to name all the bands that have had an influence on me. But some of the bands that can be heard in my music are Moonsorrow, Bal-Sagoth, Ensiferum, Emperor and Cradle of Filth. Alongside metal music, I listen to a lot of movie and game soundtracks.

12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

12. No.


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