Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wolves' Winter Interview


1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording and release of the new album?

We were focusing on this album, and the presentation show that will take place in December, along with the production of merch and a few more dates inside and outside the country. We have plans to make a video clip in a couple of months too. But for now, the most important thing is returning to the rehearsals and working hard for our next show.

2.In October you have a new album coming out, musically how does it differ from the stuff you have released in the past?

It’s not so different from previous releases, I mean, composition and lyrical wise, but we’re finding our own style, with more emphasis on developing our way to play Black Metal, without losing our roots. So in comparison with previous stuff, you can tell that it is the same band, and not another.

3.Most of the band members also have a background playing death metal, how would you compare the black metal style of 'Wolves' Winter' to the other extreme metal genres the band members have experience working with?

Most of the compositions were made by me (Beelzebuth), and are previous to all members in the band. For example, the album “Qayin Coronatvs” was composed in 2012. And 3 songs from “The Medivm” are from the same age. They’ve adapted to the style and vision of Wolves’ Winter, and the influence at the moment of composing.  They are doing a great job amalgamating what they know, to what it is with the band, for example, “Levitation of the Buried Ones”, “The Medivm” and “The Omen” were made by our guitarists, I’ve made some minor contributions but those songs are their work. It was not so easy, of course, but we’re comfortable with this formation since quite a few years, and we’re knowing each other much better with the years, so it’s not so hard at the moment of composing a song, if someone does not like something, or thinks that is going too far away of what we are, we say it, and fix it. The most important thing is to stay in the path of what we’re doing.

4.From 2012 to 2018 there was no music being released, can you tell us a little bit more about what was going on during that time frame?

The problem during those years was the instability of band members, we were changing a lot of members, so it was really hard to focus on composing at that moment. In 2018 we started to form what we are in present days.

5.A lot of the lyrics are very well versed in the occult, Left Hand Paths necrosophic and Qlipthotic currents, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in the different forms of the dark arts and are there any occult authors that have an influence on your worldview?

The main influence of Wolves’ Winter was the Cult of Death, more precisely, Cult of Qayin or the argentinean cult of San La Muerte, so, the Liber Falxifer was a really good influence on what we talk for, and of course, authors like N.A-A.218, Michael W. Ford, Johannes Nefastos, and even classical authors such as Allan Kardec.

6.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Wolves' Winter'?

The band name actually does not represent completely what Wolves’ Winter is. The band, at that moment in 2008, was just a Black Metal band, focused more in the “generic” aspects of the genre, without much philosophy or doctrines involved, the name was meant to represent what Black Metal, cold and harsh as the winter, and fierce and rabid as wolves. 

7.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

The album cover was made by Abismo - Black Arts, and represents a Medium, contacting the other world, through the will of Death. We made emphasis on the Liber Falxifer II, the Void, Ain and Qalmana, and of course, the syncretism between the spiritism and the Veiled Mistress of Akeldama.

8.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also  how would you describe your stage performance?

Some of our best shows were the presentation of “Qayin Coronatvs” without a doubt, our performance at the Furia Metal Fest open air, Criminal Metal Camp open air, and some of our live performances with bands such as Gorgoroth and Horna. I think that those were our best shows so far at the moment. We try to represent our philosophy and beliefs in our presentations. It's like a baptism for each new individual that has the chance to witness one of our live rituals. That helped a lot to spread the word of the Death through the world, there are a lot of sons of Qayin that they are not aware of.

9.Do you have any touring or show plans once the new album is released?

We’re working on that, at the moment, we have our album presentation in December, and possibly a presentation in Uruguay, a border country. We were contacted by a promoter from Colombia with an offer, so they are evaluating and checking if that will be possible. But we’re open to listen to new touring proposals!

10.In the past you have also done some Gorgoroth, Behexen and Horna covers, what was the decision behind doing your own versions of their songs?

Gorgoroth is a classical band now, and I think that most of the bands have done it at some point, with the other two, well, they are some of our main influences, such as Sargeist and Satanic warmaster, in fact, finish Black Metal scene is an inspiration to us, and you can tell when you listen to our songs.

11.On a worldwide level, how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black metal?

We had a great reception so far! All of the offers we had for releasing our stuff across the world, was thanks to that. There are a lot of loyal followers that are up to date with our work, and we’re very grateful! That means that we’re on the correct path.

12.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

Our goal now is to reach Europe at some point, but being a band from Argentina (across the world) maybe makes it hard for the promoters, because tickets are expensive, but who knows, maybe in the future, things will go better and we’ll have some interesting offers! Time will tell…

13.What are some of the bands or musical styles the band members are currently listening to nowadays?

We’re deep into the finnish, plus, the nidrosian scene, along with some other bands, for example: Mare, Urgehal, Nyktalgia, Wolfbrigade, One Tail, One Head, Horna, Sargeist, Satanic Warmaster, Behexen, Noenum, Arvet, Totalselfhatred, Sarkrista, White Death, Drowning the Light, Baptism, Warmoon Lord, Vemod, Darvaza, Black Majesty, Hetroertzen, Dark Sonority, and we can go forever. There are many great bands out there that are worth listening to.

14.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

We’re expecting your thoughts with our new album, we’re sure that will fulfill the expectations of the people that are eager to listen to our new Opus. We’re working hard to reach each corner of the planet with our music, and in the future, ourselves if our Lord commands.

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