Monday, April 19, 2021

Luciferianometh Interview


1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band?

Yes, Luciferianometh is a black metal band from Ratmalana,Sri Lanka of the south asian region in the indian ocean.we are a two piece.I can say that I'm the founding member and the front man of the band my name is Shanil Sirisena 

I go by the name Eligor Cernounnus accompanied with my best friend Suneth Shaman who goes by the artistname Count Azazel.

Eligor is the guitarist/vocalist and Azazel is the Drummer. We are a Satanic band because we believe that Satanism is where Black Metal began. We have the traditional facepaint with a unique representation where Eligor paints himself in Gold and Black instead of White and Black while Azazel have Silver and Magenta face paint. The band has its own unique artistic impact Specially to our sound quality we like to keep the old school atmospheric energy present to our listeners with modern gear and technology used for our creations. The band was started in 2013 by myself as a high school student I was 16 years old when I composed two instrumental tracks which I had no idea of how to release them properly at that time.The band was mainly set out to be a one man project but when the opportunity of playing live came across the door were open for other member to join the band and with that start Count Azazel joined as a guitarist but with the other member screwing things up with his lazy,weak,disturbing influences we had no other choice but to get rid of the first drummer who was no where close to being a Black Metal drummer this led to Count Azazel to start playing drums since he always loved being one .we are poor not able to have our own amplifiers or drum kit only things we had was Count Azazel's Double bass pedal which he bought from his monthly salary that is about the same price as the kick pedals it was a low quality product known as Maxtone but his heart and goals to be that perfect drummer was the quality this band needed. I had the fernandes used guitar that was about 50usd when I bought it with my lunch money staying in hunger at school. I think that will make a good answer for your question that's just a little bit of the start.

2.Since 2020 you have released 4 full lengths, and ep and a split, musically how do they differ from each other?

Yeah it was just classic rookie mistakes and my personal life problems impacting the band I was just so lost in the time between 2018 to 2020 because it was in 2018 where my connection with count azazel was poisoned by some enemies who where just so jealous of our success  and I went one being that one man band again playing the drums by myself and I recorded the first demo Summoning the blood of Cernounnus which was just sad for me to release because the studio was charging me a price I cannot pay but I went one making that album very limited to what I had already planned it to be sounding like I ended up with only one guitar and a bass that was just so much disturbed by the studio because they managed to pull their dirty tricks on me and I ended up just making that album released on bandcamp with just tears in my eyes but I was hoping to play that album live with a new drummer who eventually was only present for the artist pic and never the studio it was just sad to be missing Azazel .I managed to sell my drum kit that I practiced and composed for Luciferianometh.I again wanted to fix those cracks on the summoning the bloodline for cernunnos album.this time I managed to play both two guitars and do vocals freshly and the bass was just missing but I went on with it anyway and released Sivtas which was just a shitty album in point of view but some listeners liked it still it was not the way I planned Luciferianometh to be releasing the albums so then I went on with the EP in november where I thought of going back to some old songs and re-creating them at this point I have learned some lessons I was missing all these years 2013-2020 I was missing the proper study of music marketing and promoting. so in december 2020 I released The Command Of Lucifer's Heart with the drums being sampled by EZdrummer2 that I own legally with me getting the permission from Toontrack I went on making some drumminga rragemnets and used my saving of money on getting recording softwares vst playings and some gear for me to record and mix master by myself because the studios here in Sri Lanka use Illegal softwares for recording mixing mastering I did not want stealing to be apart of my band.The Command Of Lucifer's Heart was the true beginning it was in point of view the perfect DEMO and its where Luciferianometh started was licensed by CD baby and digitally distributed to many of their partner stores which eventually gave me guide to how to successfully promote my music which I learned and still studying the ways which led me to release a Split album in 2021 jan29th where I re-recorded 4 songs from the Sivtas album and the song came out perfect since no disturbance from the recording studio or any of their cheap business tricks were involved it was me recording in my room and all the freedom and space was now here for the band.but  since I wanted to play live I contacted Azazel again which was the missing link.He wanted to prove himself to me and he sure made a point by re-recording 6 songs from The Command OF Lucifers Heart.which we are just so amazed how it came out with us being the engineers of the recording mix mastering we had everything well planned and going in our way that we planned in 2013 to be our start but it takes time for know and see things clearly.The Order Of Satan's Rage  was released digitally and a Record Label made a deal of releasing Physical 100 Cd's which was a sign of our success since getting in to a international record label was always our first it is conquered we are now more than ready and better than ever.when the label release our CD's we will be playing Live once again.

3.You also release more music than most bands, do you spend a great amount of your time writing and creating music?

We spent our whole life on our music we have sacrifced everything for our band we have actually lost everything because of this band I personally have lost eveything because my main reason of living is this band.We have done and went through a lot more than anyband here in my country.we have encounterd Darkness and spitted upon Light wich is a great deal of harworking and sacrifice wich no other will be able to handle speacially when you come from where we came from no one will be able to survive I say that with pride since we will be releaing our original music with our originall sound presets that we came up with over the past 9 years and Wisdom is toattly gained even though much is lost we have gained a lot than the things we have is a darkpath a true darkpath not just words but the reality is present when I write words like Darknees,Death,Sadness,Pain, HATE  this are all present with us going through a journey but it is time for us to be given that audience that truly understands our music.we 100% give our time for our music thats why we are stuck in some parts in our life.

4.A lot of your lyrics cover Satanic, Luciferian, Left hand Path, Black Magick and Occult themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in the dark arts and how long have you also been on this path?

I have been in this path since I was 16 thats where this band started and now I'm 24 years old it has been 8 years.over those 8 years it was just a great journey where I travel to meet a lot of souls from the beggar of the streets to the rich sinners in the castles.I have just being amazed how Satanism is so true to its wisdom and just seeing all the things a normal human would not see to his two eyes I see through my third eye how the nature works and I have personally dealt with BlackMagick since I have been cursed and poisoned by many people but with me being a Satanist that is ascended the mortal veils of consciousness I learned the art of astral healing/removing curses/protection spells and many more .I have never used the power of magic for my selfish reasons I have always used the mastered skills of a wizard to helping people who are cursed by their enemies but only helped those who are innocent and I have made enemies be turned into powerful allies from the innocent kid to the death closing old people. I have made a very positive effect to many families and parts of my country this was just a thing I did that got me involved in many life threatening situation but I never gave up on my code the Templars code is still living in my soul I may sound crazy but I truly believe that I'm a Knight of Templars that still lives and its just sad when People don't know what I'm capable of.but eventually some had to learn with them getting to regret the fact they they did not believe me when I have given them life saving instructions as my skill in seeing the possible future asteh spirit Eligor is my main character and its not just a gimmick its just the reality of my soul's nature. The Luciferian path was just naturally happening inside of me I learned the things I have done were just me acting to the Luciferian Doctrine.I was amazed to read the facts written the book " Luciferian Doctrine" just made me realize I have been following my guts as the soul purpose of Lucifer.this was just a simple answer I can talk hours about this but You yourself is Master of black arts I believe so You get the whole thing telepathically.

5.You also cover some 'Sinhal Buddhism' themes, how does this Buddhist path differ from other paths connected to this tradition?

Its the great mystery Sinhala Buddhism themes are not the deal its just Buddhist themes I believe that Satanism and Buddhism is not two of a kind they speak of the same essence in two different colours.but this is where the band's unique theme comes in and its not used for marketing purposes its just the truth where my personal experience of life came up to having Satanism known by the proper manners because I have followed Buddhist Philosophy with both being my enlightenment.many don't see it but the roots of Meditation goes to its highest levels of techniques in Satanism only ,when Buddha presents himself its just a man meditating where his symbol is so powerful and just so misunderstood by many. There are many monuments where one can see the connection of Buddha's and Satan's where one Statue maybe you and people who read this have seen already if you have not do search for the carvings of Buddha meditation under the shelter of the Serpent where this is just so happy for me to see because not ever in Satanism there was ever written Blasphemy over Buddha and the beauty of Buddha saying that one must respect every religion or spiritual study leaves me laughing in a evil sense where I say so Buddha Says one should always respect another religion or study of the spirit where Satanism just Blasphemes to christianity and islam but in Buddha's view we have to respect Satanism even though such a thing is given out.this is where I see the alliance of Satanism and Buddhism but this is my personal point of view many may have other ideas but nothing will change my facts and many will find this to be true many that are awaken of their third eye at leasts.

6.On the new album you also cover some 'Egyptian' themes, do you feel Egypt has a very rich occult tradition?

Yes , Egyptian myth is amazing when they connect to the worship of the Sun.and the presence of Hell and how the great craftsmanship of a pyramid is still questioned by many scientists and architects is just funny also a fact to know how rich egyptian occult tradition is.I always felt the melodies of those movies where you see egyptian scenes with those background music where your soul just feels like you know that place.the reason I went into egyptian occult traditions in my writing is because of main;y the great Tablets of TOTH. TOTH the god of wisdom I actually learned about the god TOTH was from watching to a MORBID ANGEL interview where Trey Azgatoth goes in to answering a question how his name came into place thus he explains with the tribute to the god TOTH and much more.always the band's I have been influenced have given me some spiritual guidence.I wish to do the same for the listeners of Luciferianometh.reading to the Emerald Tablets of TOTH just was answering many question I had regarding my astral travels and this one time  Near Death Experience I had in 2016.I highly recommend to many seekers of the spiritual wisdom to take a look at those writings by the Atlantean who was later the GOD of wisdom to the egyptians. the sonsg "My Ancient Spirit Guide I Ascended Through" was straight dedication and summoning to the Mighty Lord TOTH.and the song "Rituals Of Death Sacrifices For Aphophis" is also the first song I wrote in Egyptian influences and itis my favourite where the spiritual balance of the universe is meant to be present by Aphophis is also the idea where Atun or RA become one part of the Yin Yang and Aphophis is another part of the Yin Yang.yes Egyptians have left some great occult traditions but I believe it is not just a part of the egyptians but its to the whole world.

7.You also use the name 'Cernunnus' in your names, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in Celtic Mythology?

The Folk band known by the name "Omnia" was the ones who introduced me this character which I loved the ring to its name from the first time I heard it.the song was " Call Me Satan" where they gave me a new symbol for Satan which was really known by small number of people I guess.Cernunnus is the lord of the forest the green man the lord of all animals which is just my style of living.I always get tears falling when I see Cow's being slaughtered but this is because I always loved Milk drinking Milk was sometimes the best option to stay fit for our practise and save money for extra hours in the practice studio. Milk comes from the Cow I have been nourished and feed by this animal from day one I could never stand the fact they get treated like garbage in my country. I always feed the cow herd that comes across me and most people just say I'm a crazy man they always thought I get attacked by these animals but I always gave the middle finger to those who tell me to stay away from the animals I connect with and feed them with my happiness .I always talk with animals because solitary life is just a meditation I'm going through as I answer these questions for Luciferianometh.even with the insects I talk and I connect really well they understand me I understand their innocence.and from mosquito to ant to the snakes. I believe I have saved many animals from abuse and I have even being blamed by the society for taking the side of animals because I chose the Right side not the side that dominates over nature.This is just whee Cernunnos comes into my artist name I have dual personality and I wanted to make my artist name meaningful to its presence so I went Eligor and then added the surname Cernunnos which will be great at representing my true self and to not be mistaken by another Eligor somewhere else .

8.Originally the band was called 'Baphometh', what was the cause of the name change and also the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Luciferianometh'?

Yes the band started originally as "Baphomet" wich was because the symbol was honoured by me.but it was just not the best name if we are to be known world wide because there was a Death Metal band called Baphomet which originally have taken the title and they truly deserve it too.I was needing to keep that name so I went on with adding "H" where "Baphometh" was given in 2017  but it was just no point people will just not see this simple change it was a huge downfall for the band to not have a unique was the Frontman of "Necroroots" who gave me advice that a band's name should be unique and one of a kind he was just correct and I admire them for giving me this advice.I wanted to make that happen I wanted to give our the Satanic representation so I went on with Empire of Luciferian which was the song name of the band Inquisition I believe that would be making me stealing there title so I went with a dual language meaning so the first word is Luciferiano  + Meth .in sinhala language Meth meaning good deeds or just mercyful  understanding.  that made a great way to blend in that Buddhist influence again  part of the band. so Luciferianometh was given to eternally to this band.  

9.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

yes it was a picture taken in the Mimure Forest in Sri Lanka on our trip in 2014 for a ritual meditation in the great mother nature away from human nature.and the picture was merged with a image of star filled was used for many album arts with different design this new album The Order Of Satan's Rage a image of Abbadon huntin ga christian soldier in defeat was placed to the center which was taken from Paradise Lost by John Millton.the image was in public domain.and some modern technology graphic designing has been added all legal images were used only. it is the album where I want to represent our return as a band with Eligor & Azazel reunited after being seperated for some years because of some enemy cursing we had to endure but our loyal soul and heart remained in understanding and we planned to stay separated to see our enemies laugh at our downfall but in this album the rage is just given out because we were patience with the countless attacks they made to make this band be out of the scene but never they succeeded but we have succeeded with Azazel being improved with his drumming skills and me just gaining more wisdom of demonic arts and how to place them in our music without harming any of our true loyal listeners and just making vampiric rituals present in the album where those who wanted us to be ending our band shall feel the wrath in the spiritual realm only the strongest can survive and understand Black Magick and its soul purpose.many may use Black Magick to attack their enemies just because of their selfish desires or human emotions getting in the way making it a confusing victory over another innocent soul that will be coming back with much much more power harnessed over the cursed I have to say the new album cover represents our protection given to by our Lords of Hell and our victory over the mortal desires to overcome true this case for those number of people to curse us and make voodoo rituals upon our souls they must have been so afraid of us doing what we do that means they witnessed power in us that's why they wanted us out of the scene I laugh since our following of Buddhas Laws we were trained to overcome any pain and stay patience until the wheel of Karma ends our own sins committed in the past lives and this one thats the meaning behind this album.its a true ritual of black magick involved and true positive impact on the listeners most say its very meditative I'm just glad to hear that.and of course we always waited to be interviewed or to make our facebook pages etc because we wanted to do art in truth and now its the time we have been on the scene since 2013 no 2021 has been the time of our journey setting its course on the map of the astral canvas 

10.Recently you where a part of a split with 'Necroroots' and 'Lux Anguis', what are your thoughts on the other bands or musical projects that have participated on the recording?

Oh man those two band's are the first two I encountered as musicians who are also the same like us who work hard and create the best Black Metal with the very limited sources we have.we are one connected alliance that's why that split album was named "Global Domination Of Satanic Alliance" Necroroots are coming from Mexico and they give such revolutionary meaning in the art of black metal they speak for the freedom and justice which they encounter around their land and Lux Anguis is just my personal fav Ambient artist when I heard "Kukulcan" it was just OBE for me Abighor is just one of the greatest musicians I can be proud of being a part of in one artwork together same goes for Necroroots. bands like these deserve the spot but the financial areas are just bit hard for us to cover the expenses when it comes to marketing and promoting but from music they are the best and I was just proud to represent Sri Lanka with Mexico and Argentina. I wish my brother all the best and Abihor from Lux Anguis is now currently on another project recently listened to it it was amazing known by the name "Satanic Hammer".Necroroots are finally set to release their new album this years after our split it will be their 2021 full length as far as I know. I was given the great honor of making a bit of a re-mastering for their tracks on our split but I can say it was never needed they were just fine the way they were but to make a bit of difference and unique sound to the overall album it was really the best time doing the re-masting and the album is just a great addition to our discography as well I wil be making a self release of physical release on that split album as soon as I get some cash it is a promise to my comrades in the Black Metal union that's how much I respect them and starting from this years these two bands will be making hsitory I'm curtain about that HAIL SATAN TO NECROROOTS AND LUX ANGUIS.

11.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black metal?

it has been very positive but since only we have digital releases there is a missing link from our side to the fans.but soon as the label release those CD's of  the new album we are gonna play live and it is playing live that's also missing from our band.we are set to make our fans grow with only the effects of our music and art being their taste.we never intend to forcefully capture our fans but we are sure to be gaining them on this year it will be remarkable I can only answer the question to you back when we actually have a number of fans like above 1000 for now our marketing and promoting budgets are no where near doing some good promoting we still could not make money to do a music video but its a promise that all will be heard soon .the reactions are just positive and ist starting grow .

12.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

The band will be playing live and making sure to tour and capture the venues and dominate the world as a successful band.Luciferianometh is just that band that never stops its music or presence in this earth.since teh "The Order Of Satan's Rage"has been out on digital and will be out on Cd's we will be playing live in our local gigs that album being the set of our performances.and at the mean time we will be working on a EP this year as well then 2022 another full length and music videos and more are to come very soon .we intend to be signing with another label once we release this album on cd's the EP will be out from a great label that will be helping us with managements and touring as well.

13.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

from the order of listening and being influenced it was Linkin Park ,BFMV,A7X,Peroxwhy?-gen, Children Of Bodom,Slipknot,Carach Angren,Gorgorth,Mayhem,Immortal,Satyricon,Inquisition,Decide,Morbid Angel,Behemoth,iImmu Borgir are some of the main influences and inspirations there are many others as well the main came from these legends these days I listen to some Carach Angren I managed to buy their new album on digital since sadly I have no way to listen to a CD. I also can say the listening has just being paused since to the work tight with Luciferianometh. it was Carach Angren's latest album that I listened to peacefully as I remember. 

14.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts? 

Yea this was just one of the greatest honours I can receive on behalf of Luciferianometh. Thank you man your reviews and the work you do are just what musicians like us truly be motivated and relaxed from the amount of stress that is in out shoulders.for me Black Metal is just one of the music genres that is not easy to master and create the spiritual movement and the reality of our surroundings are just true darkness and for you to be giving Luciferianometh this great interview I'm eternally grateful and Thank You infinitely for these great opportunities OccultBlackZine is one of the greatest supports Luciferianometh have received it was a honour that will everlast. Thank you so much and Hail Satan 

1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band?

yes, Luciferianometh is a black metal band from Ratmalana,Sri Lanka of the south asian region in the indian ocean.we are a two piece.I can say that I'm the founding memeber and the front man of the band my name is Shanil Sirisena 

I go by the name Eligor Cernounnus accompanied with my best friend Suneth Shaman who goes by the artistname Count Azazel.

Eligor is the guitarist/vocalist and Azazel is the Drummer.we are a Satanic band because we belive that Satanism is where Black Metal began.we have the traditional facepaint with a unique representation where Eligor paints himself

in Gold and Black instead of White and Black while Azazel have Silve and Magenta face paint.The band has its own unique artistic impact Specially to our sound quality we like to keep the old school atmospheric energy present to 

our listners with modern gear and technology used for our creations. The band was started in 2013 by myself as a high school student I was 16 years old when I composed two instrumental tracks wich I had no idea of how to release them

properly at that time.The band was mainly set out to be a one man project but when the oppertunity of playing live came acroos the door were open for other memeber to join the band and with that start Count Azazel joined as a guitarist but

with the other memeber screwing things up with his lazy,weak,disturbing influences we had no other choice but to get rid of the first drummer who was no where close to being a Black Metal drummer this led to COunt Azazel to start playing drums since he always loved being one .we are poor not able to have our own amplifiers or drum kit only things we had was Count Azazel's Double bass pedal wich he bought from his monthly sallarey that is about the same price as the kick pedals it was a low quality product known as Maxtone but his heart and goals to be that perfect drummer was the quality this band needed. I had the fernandes used guitar that was about 50usd when I bought it with my lunch money staying in hunger at school. I think that will make a good answer for your question thats just a llittle bit of the start.

2.Since 2020 you have released 4 full lengths, and ep and a split, musically how do they differ from each other?

yea it was just classic rookie mistakes and my personal life problems impacting the band I was just so lost in the time between 2018 to 2020 because it was in 2018 where my connection with count azazel was poisoned by some enemies whowere just so jealous of our success  and I went one being taht one man band again playing teh drums by myself andI reccorded the first demo SUmmoning the blod of Cernounnus wich was just sad for me to release because the studio was charging me a price I cannot pay but I went one making taht album very limited to what I had already planned it to be sounding liek I ended up with only one guitar and a bass that was just so much disturbed by the studio bcz they managed to pull thier dirty tricks on me and I eneded up just making that album released on bandcamp with just tears in my eyes but I was hoping to play that album live with a new drummer who eventually was only present for the artist pic and never the studio it was just sad to be missing Azazel .I managed to sell my drum kit that I practiced and composed for Luciferianometh.I again wanted to fix those cracks on the summoining teh blodlien fo cernounnus album.thsi time I managed to play both two guitars and do vocals freshly and the bass was just missing but I went on with it anyway and released Sivtas wich was just a shitty album in point of view but some listners liked it still it was not the wasy I planned Luciferianometh to be releasing the albums so then I went on with the EP in novermber where I tought of going back to some old songs and re-creating them at thsi point I have learned some lessons I was missing all these years 2013-2020 I was missing the proper study of music marketing and promoting. so in decc 2020 I relassed The COmmand Of Lucifer's Heart with the drums being sampled by EZdrummer2 that I own legally with me getting the permission from Toontrack I went on making some drumminga rragemnets and used my saving of money on egtting recording saoftwares vst playings and some gear for me to record and mix master by myself because the studios here in Sri Lanka use Illegal softwares for recording mixing mastering I did not want stealing to be apart of my band.The COmmand Of Lcifer's Heart was the true begining it was in point of view the perfect DEMO and its where Luciferianometh started was licensed by CD baby and digitally distributed to many of thier partner stores wich eventually gave me guide to how to succesfully promote my music wich I learned and still studying the ways .wich led me to release a Split album in 2021 jan29th where I re-recorded 4 songs from the SIvtas album and the sonsg came out perfect since no disturbence from the recording stuio or any of thier cheap buiness tricks were involved it was me recording in my room and all the freedom and space was now here for the band.but  since I wasnted to play live I contacted Azazel again wich was teh missing link.He wanted to proove himsefl to me and he sure made a point by re-recording 6 sonsg from The Command OF Lucifers Heart.wich we wrejust so amazed how it came out with us being the engineers of thhe recording mix mastering we had everything well planend and going in our way that we planned in 2013 to be our start but it takes time for know and see things clearly.The Order Of Satan's Rage  was released digitally and a Record Label made a dealof releasing Physical 100 Cd's wich was a sign of our succes sincegetting in to a international record label was always our first it is conquerd we are now more than ready and better than ever.when the label release our CD's we wil be playing Live once again.

3.You also release more music than most bands, do you spend a great amount of your time writing and creating music?

We spent our whoel life on our music we have sacrifced everything for our band we have actually lost everything because of this band I personally have lost eveything because my main reason of living is this band.We have done and went through a lot more than anyband here in my country.we have encounterd Darkness and spitted upon Light wich is a great deal of harworking and sacrifice wich no other will be able to handle speacially when you come from where we came from no one will be able to survive I say that with pride since we will be releaing our original music with our originall sound presets that we came up with over the past 9 years and Wisdom is toattly gained even though much is lost we have gained a lot than the things we have is a darkpath a true darkpath not just words but the reality is present when I write words like Darknees,Death,Sadness,Pain, HATE  this are all present with us going through a journey but it is time for us to be given that audience that truly understands our music.we 100% give our time for our music thats why we are stuck in some parts in our life.

4.A lot of your lyrics cover Satanic, Luciferian, Left hand Path, Black Magick and Occult themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in the dark arts and how long have you also been on this path?

I have been in this path since I was 16 thats where this band started and now I'm 24 years old it has been 8 years.over those 8 years it was just a geart jounrey where I travel to meet a lot of souls from the begger of the streets to the rich sinners in the castles.I have just being amazed how Satanism is so true to its wisdom and just seeing all the thinsg a normal human woudl not see to his two eyes I see through my third eye how the nature works.and I have personally delt with BlackMagick since I have been cursed and poisoned by many people but with me being a Satanist that is ascended the mortal veils of counsiousness I learned teh art of astral healing/removing cruses/protection spells and many more .I have never used the power of magic for my selfish reasons I have always used the masterd skills of a wizard to helping people who are cursed by thier enemies but only helped those who are innocent and I have made enemies be truned into powerfull allies from the innocent kid to the death closing old poeple.I have made a very positive effect to many families and parts of my country this was just a thing I didthat got me involved in many life threatning situation but I never gave up onmy code the Templars code is still living in my soul I may sound crazy but I truly belive that I'm a Knight of Templars that still lives and its just sad when People don;t know what I'm capable of.but eventually some had to learn with them getting to regret the fact they they did not belive me when I have given them life saving isntructions as my skill in seeing the possible future asteh spirit Eligor is mymain character and its not just a gimmick its just the reality of my soul's nature.the Luciferian path was just naturally happening inside of me I learned the things I have done were just me acting to the Luciferian Doctrine.I was amazed to read teh facts written teh book " Luciferian Doctrine" just made me realize I have been following my guts as the soul purpose of Lucifer.this was just a simple answer I can talk hours about this but You yoursefl is Master of blackarts I belive so You get the whole thing telepthcily.

5.You also cover some 'Sinhal Buddhism' themes, how does this Buddhist path differ from other paths connected to this tradition?

Its the great mystery SInhala Buddhism themes are not the deal its just Buddhist themes I beleieve that Satanism and Buddhism is not two of a kind they speak of the same essence in two different colours.but this is where the band's unique theme comes in and its not used for marketing purposes its just the truth where my personal expirience of life cacme up to having Satanism known by the proper manners because I have followed Buddhist Philosohy with both being my enlightenment.many don't see it but the roots of Meditation goes to its highest levels of techniques in Satanism only,when Buddha peresents himself its just a man meditating wher his symbol is so powerfull and just so misunderstoodnby many.there are many monuments where one can see the connection of Buddha's and Satan's where one Statue maybe you and people who read thsi have seen already if u have not do search for the carvings of Buddha meditation under the shelter of the Serpent where this is just so happy for me to see because not ever in Satanism there was ever written Blashpemey over Buddha and the beauty of BUddha saying that one must respect every religoin or spiritual study leavs me laughing in a evil sense where I say so Buddha Says one should always respect another religoin or study of the spirit where Satanism just Balshphemes to christianlty and islam but in Buddha's view we have to respect Satanism even though such a thing is given out.this is where I see the allaicne of Satanism and Buddhism but this is my personal point of view many may have other ideas but nothing will change my facts and many will find this to be true many taht are awaken of thier third eye atleats.

6.On the new album you also cover some 'Egyptian' themes, do you feel Egypt has a very rich occult tradition?

yes , Egyptian myth is amazing when they connect to the worship of the Sun.and teh presence of Hell and how the great creaftsmenship of a pyramid is still qestioned by many scientists and architechts is just funny also a fact to know how rich egyptian occult tradition is.I alwasy felt the melodies of those movies where you see egyptian scenes with those background music where yoru soul just feels liek you know that place.the reason I went into egyptian occult tradtions in my writing is because of main;y the great Tablets of TOTH. TOTH the god of wisdom I actually learned about the god TOTH was from watching to a MORBID ANGEL interview where Trey Azgatoth goes in to answering a qestion how his name came into place thus he explains with the tribute to the god TOTH and much more.always the band's I have been influenced have given me some spiritual guidence.I wish to do teh same for the listners of Luciferianometh.reading to the Emerald Tablets of TOTH just was answering many qestion I had regarding my astral travels and this one time  Near Death Expirience I had in 2016.I highly recommend to many seekers of the spiritual wisdom to take a look at those writings by the Atlantean who was later the GOD of wisdom to the egyptians. the sonsg "My Ancient Spirit Guide I Ascended Through" was straight dedicationa dn summoning to the MIghty LOrd TOTH.and the song "RItuals Of Death Sacrifices For APhophis" is also the first song I wrote in Egyptian influnces and itis my favourite where the spiritual balance of the universe is meant to be present by APhophis is also the idea wheer Atun or RA becaome one part of teh Yin Yang and Aphophis is another part of teh Yin Yang.yes Egyptians have left some great occult traditions but I belive it is not just a part of the egyptians but its to the whole world.

7.You also use the name 'Cernunnus' in your names, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in Celtic Mythology?

The Folk band known by the name "Omnia" was the ones who introduesed me this characteer wich I loved the ring to its name from the first time I heard it.the song was " Call Me Satan" where they gave me a new symbol for Satan wich was really known by small number of people I guess.Cernunnus is the lord of teh forest the green man the lord of all animals wich is just my style of living.I alwasy get tears falling when I see Cow's being sluaghterd but this is because I alwasy loved Milk drinking Milk was sometimes the best option to stay fit for our practise and save money for extra hours in the practise studio.Milk coems from the Cow I have been nurished and feede by thsi animal from day one I could never stand teh fact they get treated liek grabage in my country.I alwasy feed the cow herd that comes across me and most people just say I'm a crazy man they always thought I get attacked by these animals but I alwasy gave the middelfinger to those who tell me to stay awayfrom the animals I connect with and feed them with my happiness.I alwasy talk with animals because solitary life is just a meditation I'm going through as I asnwer these qestions fro Luciferianometh.even with teh insects I talk and I connect really well they understand me I understand thier innocense.and from mousqito to ant to the snakes.I beleive I have saved many animals from abuse and I have even being blammed by the society for taking the side of animals because I chose the Right side not the side that dominates over nature.This is just whee Cernunnus comes into my artist name I have deual personality and I wanted to make my artist name meaningfull to its I went ELigor and then added the surname Cernounnus wich will be greatat repesenting my true sellf and to not be mistaken by another Eligor somewhere else .

8.Originally the band was called 'Baphometh', what was the cause of the name change and also the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Luciferianometh'?

yes teh band started originally as "Baphomet" wich was because the symbol was honoured by me.but it was just not the best name if we are to be known world wide because there was a Death Metal band called Baphomet wich originally have taken the title and they truly dersev it too.I was needing to keep that name so I went on with adding "H" where "Baphometh" was given in 2017  but it was just no point people will just not see this simple change it was a huge downfall for the band to not have a unique was the Frontman of "Necroroots" who gave me advice thata band's name should be unique and one of a kind he was just correct and I admire them for giving me this advice.I wanted to make that happen I wanted to give our the Satanic repesentation so I wnet on with Empire of Luciferian wich was the song name of the band INquisition I belive that would be making me stealing there title so I went with a dual language menaing so the first word is Luciferiano  + Meth .in sinhala language Meth meanins good deeds or just mercyfull understaning.  that made a great way to blend in that Buddhist influence again  part of the band. so Luciferianometh was given to eternaly to this band.  

9.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the new album cover?

yes it was a picture taken in the Mimure Forest in Sri Lanka on our trip in 2014 for a ritual meditation in the great moether nature away from human nature.and the picture was merged with a image of star filled was used for many album arts with diffrent desiging this new album The Order Of Satan's Rage a image of Abbadon huntinga christian soldier in defeat was placed to the center wich was taken from Pradise Lost by Jhon Millton.the image was in public domain.and some modern technology graphic designing has been added all legal images were used only. it is the album where I want to represent our return as a band with Eligor & Azazel reunited after being seperated for some years because of some enemy cursing we had to endure but our loyal soul and heart remained in understanding and we planed to stay separated to see oru enemeis laugh at our downfall but in this album the rage is just given out because we were paitience with the countless attacks they made to make this band be out of the scene but never they succeded but we have succeded with Azazel being improoved with hsi drumming skills and me just gaining more wisdom of demonic arts and how to place them in our music without harming any of our true loyal listeners and just making vampiric rituals present in the album where those who wanted us to be ending our band shall feel the wrath in the spiritual realm only the strongest can survive and understand BlackMagick and its soul purpose.many may use Black Magick to attack thier enemies just because ofthier selfish desires or human emotions getting in the way making it a confusing victory over another innocent soul that will be comming back with much much more power harnested over the cursed I have to say the new album cover repesents our protection given to by our Lords of Hell and our victory over the mortal desires to overcome true thsi case for those number of people to curse us and make voodoo rituals upon our souls they must have been so afraid of us doing what we do that means they vitnessed power in us thats why they wanted us out of the scene I laugh since our following of Buddhas Laws we were trained to overcome any pain and stay paitience until the wheel of Karma ends our own sins comitted in the past lives and this one thats the meaning behind this album.its a true ritual of blackmagick involved and true positive impact on the listners most say its very meditative I'm just glad to hear that.and ofcourse we always waited to be interviewd or to make our facebook pages etc because we wanted to do art in truth and now its the time we have been on the scene since 2013 no 2021 has been the time of our journey setting its course on teh map of teh astral canvas 

10.Recently you where a part of a split with 'Necroroots' and 'Lux Anguis', what are your thoughts on the other bands or musical projects that have participated on the recording?

Oh man those two band's are the first two I encounterd as musicians who are also the same liek us who work hard and create the best Black Metal with the very limited sources we have.we are one connected alliance thats why that split album was named "Global Domination Of Satanic Alliance" Necroroots are coming from Mexico and they give such revolutionary meaning in the art of black metal they speak for the freedom and juistice wich they encounter aroudn thier land and Lux Anguis is just my personal fav Ambient artist when I heard "Kukulcan" it was just OBE for me Abighor is just one of teh greatest musicians I can be proud of being a part of in one artwork together same goes for Necroroots. bands like these deserve teh spot but the financial areas are just bit hard for us to cover the expenses when it comes to marketing and promoting but from music they are the best and I was just proud to represent Sri Lanka with Mexico and Argentina. I wih my brother all the best and Abihor from Lux Anguis is now currently on another project recently listend to it it was amazing known by the name "Satanic Hammer".Necroroots are finaly set to release thier new album this years after our split it willbe thier 2021 full length as far as I know. I was given the great honor of makinga bit of a re-mastring for thier tracks on our split but I can say it was never needed they were just fine the waythey were but to make a bit of differece and unique sound to the overall album it was really the best time doing the re-masting and teh album is just a great addition to our discography as well I wil be making a self release of physical release on that split album as soon as I get some cash it is a promise to my commarades in the Black Metal union.

thats how much I respect them and starting from thsi years these two bands will be making hsitory I'm curtain about that HAIL SATAN TO NECROROOTS AND LUX ANGUIS.

11.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black metal?

it has been very positive but since only we have digital releases there is a missing link from our side to the fans.but soon as teh label elease those CD's of  the new album we are gonan play live and it is playing live thats also missing from our band.we are set to make our fans grow with only the effects of our music and art being thier taste.we never intend to forcefully capture our fans but we are sure to be gaining them on this year it will eb remarkable I can only asnwer the qestion to you back when we actually have a number of fans liek above 1000 for now our marketing and promoting budgets are no where near doing some good promoting we still could not make moneyto do a music video but its a promise that all will be heard soon .the reactiosn are just positive and ist starting grow .

12.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

The band will be playing live and making sure to tour and capture the venues and dominate the world as a succesfull band.Luciferianometh is just that band that never stops its music or presence in this earth.since teh "The Order Of Satan's Rage"has been out on digital and will be out on Cd's we will be playing live in our local gigs that album being the set of our preformances.and at the mean time we will be working on a EP this year as well then 2022 another full length and music videos and more are to come very soon .we intend to be siging with another label once we release this album on cd's the EP will be out from a greatlabel thatwill be helping us with managements and touring as well.

13.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

from the order of listening and being influenced it was Linkin Park ,BFMV,A7X,Peroxwhy?-gen, Children Of Bodom,Slipknot,Carach Angren,Gorgorth,Mayhem,Immortal,Satyricon,Inquisition,Decide,Morbid Angel,Behemoth,DImmu Borgir are some of the main influences and inspirtions there are many others as well the main came from these legends these days I listen to some Carach Angren I manged to buy thier new album on digital since sadly I have no way to listen to a CD. I also can say the listening has just being paused since to the work tight with Luciferianometh. it was Carach Angren's latest album that I listened to peafully as I remember. 

14.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts? 

Yea this was just one of teh greatest honours I can recieve on behalf of Luciferianometh. Thank you man your reviews and the work you do are just what musicians like us truly be motivated and relaxed from the amount of stress that is in out shoulders.for me Black Metal is just one of the music genres taht is not easy to master and create the spiritual movement and the reality of our surroundings are just true darkness and for you to be giving Luciferianometh this great interview I'm eterenally greatfull and Thank You infinitly for these great oppetunities OccultBlackZine is one of the greatest supports Luciferianometh have recieved it was a honour that will everlast.Thank you so much  and Hail Satan  



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