Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Lysergic Interview


1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the musical project?

1. Lysergic is a two piece group based out of Calgary, Alberta in Canada. We play a psychedelic version of Black/Death that has elements of industrial, noise and grindcore, layered throughout. 

2.In the last year you have released  an ep, split and full length, musically how do they all differ from each other?

2. While the demo and the split consists of demo versions of songs that are featured on the full length, they do differ from each other. 

The demo was a lot more harshly produced and layered in noise. When I started the project, I was influenced by bands such as older Tetragrammacide, Konflict, and other bands that were rooted in war noise, so I wanted to try and replicate that type of sound. With the split, I wanted to try and clean production to see how that treatment worked on the songs, but I decided after the split was released that I had to find a medium between the noise and the cleaner production, which brings us to the full length. 

The full length, while sounding very big and mechanical, is still quite raw and layered with noise, it’s just not smothering the music this time. I incorporated the cleaner sound with a lot of industrial elements, and that’s why I went with such a mechanical sound with the drums. I felt that if I was going to try and separate Lysergic from the rest of what is coming out, that adding these elements was what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go with it.

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the band has explored so far with the music?

3. Up until now, Lysergic has written about the annihilation of human existence through satanic might, conjuring these entities through ritualistic sacrifice, death, suicide, and always under the influence of psychedelic and dissociative drugs such as LSD, DMT, Psilocybin, Ketamine and Research Chemicals. 

4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Lysergic'?

4. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is the full name for LSD. Since the project has a psychedelic feel and the lyrics focus a lot of psychedelic drugs, I felt the name Lysergic was a perfect fit for the project. 

5.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the full length cover?

5. The artwork was done by Warhead Art, who a lot of people are probably already familiar with. He’s a very prominent artist in the black/death/bestial/war scene.

The three eyed goat, surrounded by psilocybin mushrooms and nooses is a perfect representation of the themes I spoke of earlier. 

6.A few months ago you where a part of a split with 'LZR GR1D" what are your thoughts on the other project that had participated on the recording?

6. I’m a big fan of L4ZR_GR1D. I think they’re doing something new and extremely interesting. I know to some people, the split is probably quite unexpected and weird for a project like Lysergic to be a part of, but I’m also not trying to cater to anyone’s expectations of what a band like mine should do. 

The split is mostly a collaborative effort between the two groups. I do guest vocals on their first song, the third song is remix that L4ZR_GR1D did of an instrumental noise track that I had, and Alix the L4ZR_GR1D vocalist featured on the first song on the Lysergic side. 

I’m involved in a lot of different genres of music and I love certain types of electronic. Alix is my great friend and roommate, and Peter is one of my best friends as well, who also has a background in black metal, he plays in projects such as Mutarotik, Equilux, Sigil and his other electronic project Key Puncher. We decided to do this weird split together and see what the response what would, it turned out rather well.

7.The new album was released on 'Crucial Blast', how did you get you get in contact with this label?

7. As of right now, the only thing that has been physically released by Crucial Blast is the Void Dissociation Demo. Crucial Blast is set to release the CD and Cassette for Dimethyltryptikon in 2024, but that date is currently TBD. There will also be a vinyl that will be released in March through Ixiol.

I had met Adam from Crucial Blast initially when I released the Void Dissociation demo on YouTube and bandcamp. I believe he heard the demo through a Reddit post and had contacted me wanting to release the cassette. That cassette came out in May of 2023.

8.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of underground metal?

8. So far it’s been great. As expected, the response has come from a small group of people since the project is still in its infancy, but it’s been great none the less. We’ve gained fans from all over the world, mostly in North America, but also Brazil and parts of Europe.

9.Where do you see the band heading into musically during the future?

9. I’m not sure if I’ll incorporate real drums into the next one or not but I’ll continue the blistering assault of bestial black/death/grind that may or may not incorporate more of the industrial elements. At the end of the day, Lysergic will always be relentless and oppressive to the listener. It will definitely not get softer or more accessible.

10.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

10. I’m inspired by everything from punk to industrial to bestial war noise, and everything in between. 

Currently, I’ve been listening to a lot of Skinny Puppy, Tetragrammicide, Lihhamon, Old Sepultura, Nekrofilth, and Misanthropic War, just to name a few… as well as electronic stuff done by Breakcore and Gabber artists. All which have had some sort of inspiration on Lysergic in some capacity. 

11.Does Satanism or Occultism play any role in your music?

11. They absolutely do. While a lot of the lyrics are quite embellished and should be viewed under the same lens as a horror movie would be, I hold a lot of beliefs and values rooted in the occult and satanism.

12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

12. Eternal fucking hails to everyone in the underground who has given this project a listen, bought it, shared it, reviewed it, posted it, bootlegged it, if you’ve given Lysergic any of your time, I appreciate the absolute hell out you. Lysergic will begin playing live in 2024, expect to see that, and there will be new music very soon. Also, thank you Occult Black Metal Zine for the great review and Interview. 


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