Cold Cell are a band from Switzerland that plays a very modern day form of black metal and this is a review of their 2013 album "Generation Abomination" which was released by Gravity Entertainment.
"EndZeitGeist" begins with some heavy modern black metal guitar riffs and drums which leads to some vocals kicking as well as the song going more into a mid paced direction as well as some grim sounding screams making their presence known which leads to the song speeding up a bit and adding in primitive elements before slowing down again as well as adding some melody in the riffing and later on it goes into a cleaner direction along with some powerful sounding bass guitars which in return leads to the return of the heavier parts as well as switching back and forth between slow and fast.
"Next Stop: Delusion Centre" begins with some heavy guitar riffs, drums along with some vocals and synths and after awhile melodies start making their way into the guitars as well as the vocals using deeper vocals before going into a more fast and primitive direction along with some blast beats for awhile before returning to the more slow and melodic parts and you can h ear the bass playing in the background which then leads to a brief use of spoken word parts and then the song starts switching back and forth between slow and fast parts.
"Generation Abomination" begins with bass and clean guitar playing which set up the mood for some grim vocals and after awhile the drums and heavy/melodic guitar riffs start kicking in and a minute later you can hear some background synths and as the song moves on it starts bringing in fast and primitive parts along with some blast beats which make the song heavier before slowing down and adding in a short spoken word part and then going back to the regular sound which in return takes the song back to its cleaner roots and closing with some heavier riffs.
"Shitfaced Existence" begins with some dark sounding guitar riffs, tribal drums and synths which set up the mood for some grim vocals and after that the music gets heavier and a few seconds later the guitar riffs get more fast and primitive along with some blast beats for a short time before slowing down again which leads to t he song switching back and forth between slow and fast parts.
"Endless Narcotic Fields" begins with some heavy and dark guitar riffs and drums along with some synths and grim vocals and after awhile you can h ear some powerful bass guitars before the song goes into a faster direction and adds in a spoken word part on time of it before slowing down again and bringing in atmospheric synth elements and then the song starts switching back and forth between slow and fast parts.
"Desert Of Thought" begins with some powerful bass playing, drum beats and soft acoustic guitars along with some vocals making their way into the song shortly after that which leads to some heavy and melodic guitar riffs which only use a small amount of variety and the song closes in a cleaner direction.
"The Perception Of One In All" begins with some drum playing and the bass and rhythm guitars kick in shortly after that along with some melody which in return sets up the mood for some vocals and after awhile the riffs and drums start getting alot faster for awhile before slowing down and adding in a small amount of depressive vocals and after awhile you can hear a brief use of guitar leads before it speeds up again and adds in melodic clean singing and it goes back to its slower roots a few seconds later before making switches back and forth between slow and fast parts.
"Stereotypes Of A Sick Spawn" starts off with fast and primitive black metal guitar riffs, blast beats and grim vocals and a minute later it starts slowing down before making switches back and forth between slow and fast parts as well as mixing in melodies on some parts along with background synths.
"Depressing/Depressive New World" begins with some heavy drumming and melodic guitar riffs which sets up the mood for the grim screams to make their presence known and the song goes more into a mid paced direction shortly after that before slowing down again and adding in synths and spoken word parts but keeping around the black metal vocals and then it goes into a faster direction along with some blast beats before slowing down and making switches back and forth between slow and fast parts, around the four minute mark there is a brief use of soft acoustic guitar playing along with some powerful bass guitars before returning to its heavier roots.
"Neon Fade Out" begins with some soft acoustic guitar playing and synths along with some spoken word parts coming in shortly after that and a few seconds later drums and heavy melodic guitar riffing makes their presence known along with some deeper black metal vocals and the song goes for more of a psychedelic black metal direction
Song lyrics cover the inner emptiness of man, the death of spirituality and anti Zeitgeist themes, while the production has a very strong, powerful and heavy sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this album along with the songs being very long and epic in length.
In my opinion Cold Cell are a very great sounding modern day black metal band with original elements and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "EndZeitGeist" "Shitfaced Existence" "Stereotypes Of A Sick Spawn" and "Neon Fade Out". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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