This is the final review of a recording from Frostbitten with the musical style this time around being an experimental form of black metal with the album being self released in 2013 and called "Danse! For Macabre Shall Come"..
"Our Fate, Written By The Constellations" begins with some distorted guitar amplifier effects and a minute later acoustic guitars become a part of the song along with some drums and slow black/doom metal guitar riffs which lead to some grim sounding screams and dark background keyboards and a few minutes later it goes more into a fast and primitive direction and as time goes by you can hear some powerful bass playing and then the music heads into a slower direction along with a small amount of deeper vocals which leads to the music going into a softer direction with the keyboards for a few seconds before getting heavy again.
"He Who Bestows Tales Of Death" begins with some dark and primitive guitar riffs which lead to some drums and grim screams along with a dark background atmosphere and the song switches back and forth between slow and mid paced sections before going into a soft direction with some keyboards and pianos which bring an avant garde feeling to the song and then reverting back to the primitive roots of the song and then closing with the pianos.
I, The Plaguebearer" begins with some heavy and melodic guitar riffs along with some drums before getting faster and bringing in high pitched screams and blast beats and then t he song slows down and adds in a background dark atmosphere and after awhile the guitars vanish and then the song bring in pianos for a few seconds before returning to a more fast, heavy and primitive direction and then slowing down again and then getting fast a minute later along with some blast beats which leads to the music going for more of a doom direction and the vocals get deeper and the song closes with the pianos.
"She, The Widower" begins with some avant garde pianos and keyboards and a few seconds later a heavy guitar riff and drums make their way into the song while also keeping around some keyboards and as the song moves on the guitar riffs utilize some melody as well as bringing in a brief use of guitar leads and there are no vocals present on this song with the music being a doom metal instrumental.
'Our Love, Shrouded By Are Fear Of Dying" begins with some fast, raw and primitive black metal guitar riffs, drums and high pitched screams and a couple of minutes later t he music slows down and starts adding in keyboards and melodic guitar riffing for awhile before reverting back to its fast and primitive beginnings and a few minutes later it goes into a more slow and depressive direction for a few seconds and then switching back and forth between slow and fast parts as well as adding deep growls in certain sections of the song and closing the album with some pianos.
Song lyrics are a concept album based on the acceptance and inevitable feeling of death which surrounds us all, while the production has a very dark, raw and primitive sound with most of the songs being very long and epic in length.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Frostbitten and if you are a fan of raw and primitive experimental black metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Our Fate, Written By The Constellations" and "Our Love, Shrouded By Are Fear Of Dying". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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