Decayed are a band from Portugal that has been featured before in this zine with a musical style I would describe as a raw and old school form of black metal and this is a review of their 2013 compilation album "Unholy Demon Seed' which was released by Iron, Blood And Death Corporation.
"Immortal Entreaty" which is also the first song on the album opens up with dark sounding guitar riffs and drums before going into a more fast and primitive black metal direction along with some blast beats and deeper black metal screams as well as the guitar riffing utilizing a small amount of melody which also leads up to a brief use of synths but focusing more on heaviness and speed and you can also hear the bass guitars at times and after awhile the music slows down a bit before getting fast again and adding in solos briefly.
"Last Sleep" begins with slow, dark and melodic sounding guitar riffs along with some drums and a few seconds alter synths and grim black metal screams make their way into the music and then the music adds in some mid paced sections along with powerful bass guitars, death metal growls and a small amount of guitar leads before returning to a slower direction.
"A Realm Beyond" opens up with synths and bell sounds before going fast and raw sounding old school black metal guitar riffs, blast beats from the drums and high pitched screams and after a minute the music slows down a bit and adds in a small amount of synths and a minute later bass guitars kick in and the music returns to a faster direction.
"Abyssic Winds'' starts off with dark and heavy sounding guitar riffs and drums before adding in some melodic clean singing vocals and then the music speeds up along with some blast beats and grim black metal screams and you can also hear synths in the background which also leads to the music slowing down a bit along with a brief use of guitar solos and leads and towards the end the music speeds up again.
"Death Chimes Of Armageddon" kicks in with ritualistic demonic chanting before adding in heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some drums and black metal screams and you can also h ear synths in the background and after a few minutes the music goes into a faster direction along with some blast beats and after awhile it starts alternating between mid paced and fast parts.
'Crucifixion" comes in with heavy old school sounding black metal guitar riffs, drums and grim screams and you can also hear bass guitars in the song and towards the end there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads being utilized.
"Queen Of Hades" is introduced by heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some drums and grim black metal screams and the song sticks to a more slow and mid paced direction along with a brief use of guitar solos and leads.
"Desecrating Massacre" is brought in with fast, raw and primitive sounding black metal guitar riffs, blast beats from the drums and grim screams as well as some synths in the background and a minute later guitar leads find their way into the song.
"Revel In Eternity" makes its way in with dark sounding synths and clean guitar playing and a minute later heavy guitar riffs, drums and grim screams come into the song as well as a small amount of death metal growls and halfway through the song the music speeds up along with some blast beats.
"Departure" finds its way in with soft acoustic guitars before adding in heavy guitar riffs and drums and then the music goes into a faster direction along with some blast beats and high pitched black metal screams.
"The Invocation" brings its way in heavy guitar and bass riffs which also utilize some melody as well as some drums and demonic growls and then the music speeds up a bit along with some blast beats and black metal screams and the music goes for an old school direction but slows down again towards the end.
"Endless" has its opening with old school black metal guitar riffs along with some grim screams, drums and guitar leads and a minute later demonic growls start mixing in with the screams and a couple of minutes later the music goes into a faster direction and you can also h ear bass guitars in the background and then the music starts alternating between fast and mid paced parts along with a brief use of guitar leads.
"Onslaught" has its beginnings with heavy guitar riffs and drums along with some black metal screams a few seconds later and a minute later the music goes into a faster direction along with some blast beats.
"Martelo Do Inferno" has its opening with dark sound effects and drums as well as some guitar effects before adding in heavy riffs, synths, drums and grim screams as well as some operatic female vocals being utilized briefly and halfway through the song there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads.
"At The Strike Of Midnight" has its start with drums and powerful sounding bass guitars before adding in heavy guitar riffs and synths along with some black metal vocals and then going into a fast direction along with some blast beats and them the music starts to alternate between slow and fast parts as well as adding in a brief use of guitar leads.
"Demon Seed" which is the last song on the album as well as title track begins with heavy guitar riffs and drums along with some black metal screams and guitar leads and then the music starts to alternate between slow and fast parts.
Song lyrics cover Satanism and Occultism themes, while the production has it very raw, powerful and heavy sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Decayed and if you are a fan of old school, raw, satanic black metal, you should check out this compilation album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Immortal Entreaty" "Abyssic Winds'' "The Invocation" and "At The Strike Of Midnight". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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