Filii Nigrantium Infernalium are a band from Portugal that plays a mixture of black and thrash metal and this is a review of their 2013 album "Pornokrates: Deo Gratias" which was released as a joint effort between Chaosphere Recordings and Hell Prod. .
"Deo Gratias: Harmona Mundi" which is the intro opens up with dark sounding synths and noise effects to bring the album in.
"Rancor" which is also the first real song on the album begins with guitar leads and riffs along with drums taking a black'n'roll direction as well as adding in melody and a few seconds hateful and melodic black metal vocals kick in and towards the end the guitars get more raw sounding and blast beats are also added in along with some powerful sounding bass guitars and the song closes with folk instruments.
"Cadafalso" opens up with thrash metal style guitar riffs and blast beats from the drums and a few seconds alter depressive black metal screams kick in along with some first wave black metal elements and melodic guitar riffing and halfway through the song the music goes into a more mid paced direction and a few seconds it speeds up again with some bass guitar and guitar solos.
"Labyrinto'' begins with old school black metal guitar riffs and drums as well as thrash influences and then the black metal vocals kick in along with back up gang shouts before adding in a melodic guitar solos which also leads up to a brief use of blast beats shortly after that.
"Metastase" starts up with drums and distorted guitars before adding in guitar and bass riffs and a few seconds later it goes into an old school thrash direction along with guitar solos and then the black metal screams kick in as well as melodic guitar riffing and towards the end there is a brief use of blast beats being utilized.
"Necro RocknRoll" comes in with old school metal guitar riffs, drums and black metal screams and then it speeds up and adds in blast beats before adding in mid sections and back up shouts and the song also alternates between mid paced and fast parts.
"Seita" kicks in bass guitars and drums before adding in old school metal guitar riffs and a few seconds later black metal vocals kick in along with some melodic guitar solos and leads and halfway through the song they bring in some 70's rock/metal elements.
"Rebanho de Lobos" makes it way in with black/thrash style guitar and bass riffs along with drums and screams and a few seconds alter back up shouts start to kick in as well as a brief sue of clean singing and spoken word samples and then going into a faster direction with guitar solos and blast beats.
"Ecemencia Matanca Por Jesus" is introduced with guitar leads and riffs along with drums and then the music speeds up and goes into a thrash direction along with black metal screams, death metal growls and a small amount of clean singing and after awhile there is a brief use of blast beats being utilized and closing with backup shouts.
"Materia Negra" is brought in with drum beats, primitive bass guitars and raw black metal guitar riffs before adding in grim screams and going into a faster direction along with some blast beats and after a minute the music calms down a bit for a few seconds before returning in a more thrash direction along with a melodic guitar solo.
"Voivodina" opens up with heavy guitar riffs, drums and black metal vocals before going into a more black/thrash direction and a few seconds alter melody and spoken word parts start to come in for a few seconds before adding in a guitar lead and laughter.
"Pornokrates" which is also the last song on the album opens up with classical music style sounds before adding in heavy thrash metal guitar and bass riffs along with drums, melody and black metal vocals along with back up shouts as well as a few seconds of power metal screams.
Song lyrics are written in a mixture of their native tongue and English and cover Satanism, Occultism and Anti Christian themes, while the production has a very strong, powerful and heavy sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion Filii Nigrantum Infernalium are a very great sounding mixture of black and thrash metal and if you are a fan of this musicla genre you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Rancor" "Nekro Rock'n'Roll" and "Voivodina". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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