Govor are a band from Croatia that plays an atmospheric, satanic and anarchist form of black metal and this is a review of their self released 2013 demo "Lucifer".
"Mit O Noci" which is also the first song on the demo opens up with a classical music style orchestra before adding in fast raw and primitive black metal guitar riffs and blast beats from the drums as well as the guitar riffing utilizing some melody and then the music goes into a more mid paced direction and you can also hear bass and clean guitars in the background as well as the music adding in synths and then the song starts to alternate between fast and mid paced parts.
"Bitka Na Nebu" begins with mid paced black metal guitar and bass riffs before adding in drums along with sounds of thunder and then the music goes into a cleaner direction along with some synths for a few seconds before getting heavy again as well as alternating between atmospheric and heavy parts.
"Gospodar Tame" kicks in with classical music orchestras and a minute later black metal guitar and bass riffs kick in along with some drums and after awhile the guitar riffing starts utilizing melody and then the music gets a little faster along wit h some atmospheric sounding synths and halfway through the song there is a brief use of acoustic guitars being utilized before the song gets heavy again.
"Cetvrti Element" opens up with classical guitars that utilize finger picking and full chords before adding in heavy guitar riffs and drums along with the guitars utilizing some melody and the classical guitars are also added in with the heavier parts and you can also hear bass guitars in the background which also leads to atmospheric synths kicking in.
"Zrtva Paljenica" starts up with soft acoustic guitar playing and a few seconds alter drums kick in before adding in black metal guitar and bass riffs and then the music alternates between clean and heavy parts as well as adding in elements of middle eastern music as well as synths and classical music orchestras.
" Samozapaljenje" is brought in with raw black metal guitar riffs before adding in drums and going into a faster direction and you can also hear synths in the background and after awhile the guitar riffing starts utilizing some melody and you can hear orchestras and bass guitars kicking in.
" Prosvijetljenje" which is also the last song on the demo begins with symphonic synths and classical musical sounds before adding in fast black metal guitar riffs and drums along with some bass guitars and blast beats which also leads to the guitar riffing utilizing some melody and then the music goes for more of a mid paced direction while also keeping around the faster parts as well as adding in a brief use of classical guitars.
Song themes cover Satanism, Luciferian, Mythology and Anarchism, while production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and dark sound for being a self released recording where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this demo.
In my opinion Govor are a very great sounding instrumental, atmospheric, satanic, anarchist black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this demo. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Mit O Noci" "Cetvrti Element" and "Prosvijetljene". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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