Pyfyxfyru are a 1 man band from Illinois that plays a mixture of raw satanic black metal, noise and experimental and this is a review of his 2011 album "Pillars Made From The Voice Of The Devil" which was released by Dipsomaniac Records.
"In The Name Of Satan We Hail" which is also the first song on the album opens up with fast, raw and primitive black metal guitar riffs, blast beats and sound effects before adding in some evil screams and growls and a minute later elements of harsh noise and guitar leads kick in and become a part of the song.
"NomonommU" starts up with backwards masking and ritualistic noises and there is no elements of metal present in the song.
"Satan Of Lakes' Water In Hell" begins with ritualistic ambient noise sounds and towards the end there is a brief use of spoken word samples being utilized.
"Hymnals On Fire In The Church Of Jesus" opens up with ritualistic and animal noises and a few seconds alter you can hear a small amount of black metal screams for a few seconds but mostly focusing on the other noises.
"The Left Hand Of Satan Holding Hargvarkinwom" kicks in with a phone call before adding in primitive black metal guitar riffs, drums, screams and demonic growls and the song sticks to a mid paced direction along with elements of noise.
"Cythuhruhurs" comes in with experimental ambient and noise sounds that also heave a ritualistic feeling to them and as the song moves on there are also elements of drone being added to the song.
"Devil's Tonight" returns the black metal sounds with fast and raw guitar riffs, drums, and guttural, demonic bestial black/death metal but also keeping around the noise and experimental elements and after awhile t here is a brief use of guitar leads being utilized which after awhile also bring in elements of classic rock and the song closes with psychedelic sound effects.
"Ave Satan" is introduced with avant garde, experimental noise effects and a few seconds later fast old school black metal guitar riffs, blast beats and high pitched screams kick in as well as alternating between mid paced and fast parts along with demonic sounding elements and then it comes down and goes into satanic chanting being utilized for over 5 minutes and then returning back to the raw black metal elements and towards the end there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads being utilized.
"Indoctrinated At Tyrant Under In Satan's Mighty For Millions" which is also the last song on the album opens up with demonic black metal vocals, drum beats and elements of noise and experimental and you can also h ear guitars in the background.
Song lyrics cover Satanism and Anti Christian, while the production has a very dark, raw and primitive sound along with a couple of songs being long and epic in length.
In my opinion Pyfyxfyru are a very great sounding mixture of satanic black metal, ritual, noise and experimental and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this project. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "In The Name Of Satan We Hail" "Devil's Tonight" and "Ave Satan". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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