Deuteronomy are a band from Greece that has been featured before in this zine with a musical style I would describe as being black metal with elements of death metal and this is a review of their 2013 album "A Great Blessing" which was released by Satanica Productions.
"Entering The Realm Of Shame" which is also the opening song on the album opens with with black metal guitar and bass riffs along with drums and a few seconds later clean playing is added into the song briefly before getting heavy again and the song is all instrumental.
"Dashed To Death" begins with heavy blackened death metal guitar riffs and vocals along with blast beats from the drums and after a minute and half the music slows down and you can hear a bass guitar lead for a few seconds before getting fast and brutal again.
"Arrows Drunk With Blood" starts up with heavy and brutal sounding guitar and bass riffs along with blast beats from the drums and a few seconds alter blackened death metal growls and screams kick in and a minute later the song slows down for a few seconds and adds in more bass guitars and melodies but returns to being fast and brutal shortly after that as well as alternating between slow and fast parts and towards the end there is a brief use of guitar leads.
"Death Shall Flee" opens up with heavy guitar and bass riffs along with drums before calming down for a few seconds and then getting heavy again when the vocals kick in and then alternating between calm and heavy parts.
"None To Remain" kicks in with blast beats, heavy and fast guitars riffs as well as growls and you can also hear the bass guitars and a few seconds later it goes more into a mid paced direction but also remaining brutal and a few seconds alter the fast parts return and towards the end goes into a slower direction as well ads adding in melodic guitar riffing.
"Stones Fall Like Rain" come s in with fast and heavy guitar riffs and blast beats from the drums and a few seconds later vocals kick in and a minute later it goes into a more mid paced direction and then alternating between mid paced and fast parts.
"Slew All Firstborns In... Of Sin" makes it way in with growls before going into brutal and fast guitar riffs along with blast beats from the drums and after awhile you can hear the bass guitars in certain sections of the song and a minute later the music slows down a bit but returns to being fast towards the end.
"The Glory Of Slaughter" is introduced with fast heavy and brutal guitar and bass riffs as well as blast beats from the drums which also leads to the vocals kick in and the song is a lot more closer to black metal than the previous songs and a minute later t he music slows down for a few seconds before getting fast again and then closing with slower guitar riffing.
"A Great Blessing" is brought in with growls and fast, brutal guitar riffs as well as blast beats from drums and a few seconds later it slows down a bit and you can hear some bass guitars and then alternating between mid paced and fast parts.
"A Burnt Offering-(The Sacrifice Of Jepthath)" which is also the last song on the album begins with slow and heavy guitar and bass riffs along with drums and a minute later vocals kick in along with a brief clean section as the song moves on before getting heavy again and then alternating between clean and heavy parts.
Song lyrics cover the violent and dark side of the Old Testament, while the production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Deuteronomy and if you are a fan of blackened death metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Entering The Realm Of Shame" "Arrows Drunk With Blood" "Slew All Firstborns In... Of Sin" and "A Burnt Offering-(The Sacrifice Of Jepthath)". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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